This is an alpha test of the new file system (special thanks to @Chomenor for his work on this file new file system) for the upcoming latest Tremulous 1.3 client release by GrangerHub. We need testers over the next couple of weeks for getting this system perfected for the next release. We are calling on the Tremulous community to help us with this.
This new file system addresses many old bugs and offers many new features, in general the client should run smoother especially in regards to loading files. This file system is backwards compatibility friendly, it has much improved search and loading algorithms, it prevents file conflicts for pure and semi-pure servers, it only keeps the pk3 files loaded that you are actually using (so you can keep an indefinite number of pk3 files in your Tremulous homepath without having to worry about this client crashing), it has a more straight forward organization of folders in the homepath, this file system is especially friendly with the multiprotocol support, this file system offers new useful debugging commands, and has a lot more.
You can read more about the new features here: https://github.com/Chomenor/ioq3_new_filesystem/blob/master/new-filesystem-readme.md .
NOTE: This alpha release is not ready for hosting servers, we will be testing that a bit later, this alpha release is primarily focused on the client.
You can report bugs either on GrangerHub's issue tracker for Tremulous on github ( https://github.com/GrangerHub/tremulous/issues ), or on the GrangerHub forums ( https://forum.grangerhub.com/t/new-file-system-alpha-testing/5035 )
Included in this update:
- Corrected the directory layout in the 1.3 vms pk3 files.