1.1 before build need modify /consensus-docker-base directory account_password and wallet_password's password. it the same as 2.2 keystore_password params
docker-compose build
docker-compose run staking-cli \
--language=English \
--non_interactive \
existing-mnemonic \
--folder /basicconfig \
--mnemonic="drink grab giant fruit tell night fiction raven nominee swing side gauge soccer ecology caution virtual bomb knee wife flower produce can negative fiction" \
--keystore_password=12345678 \
--chain="mainnet" \
--validator_start_index=0 \
--num_validators=3 \
--execution_address=0x161783e9f3d16d0d5a8e5027805c7a54dfe61e03 \
docker-compose run beaconbase beacon_init.sh
it will create genesis.json, geneisi.szz in the ./basciconfig
docker-compose run beaconbase validator_init.sh
docker-compose run ethbase eth_init.sh
docker-compose up -d eth
docker-compose up -d beacon