Releases: daedalus4096/ThaumicWonders
Releases · daedalus4096/ThaumicWonders
Version 1.8.4
- Reverted to Forge
Version 1.8.3
- Fixed a memory leak with Void Fortress Armor, thanks Aqua!
Version 1.8.2
- Fixed a crash when using Panacea
Version 1.8.1
- Coalescence Matrix has a new texture, thanks TechnoMysterio!
- Added Russian translations, thanks xRoBoTx!
Version 1.8.0
- Added Flux Distiller, to clean out your capacitors
- Added Primordial Accelerator, to smash your Primordial Pearls to bits, for science!
- Added Primordial Accretion Chamber, to reconstitute your shattered pearls more efficiently
- Added Mystic Gardening, to cultivate your magical plant life
- Added Panacea, to cure what ails you
- Added Alkahest, to dissolve your excess stuff
- Added Lethe Water, for power at a price
- Added Coalescence Matrix, to test your mettle
- Set rarity for several items
- Fixed syncing bug when firing Primal Arrows from a Bone Bow
- Clarified dyeing process for the Flying Carpet
- Clarified how to place the Inspiration Engine for use with a Research Table
- Renamed Bone Bow to Bow of Bone
- Adjusted essentia costs for Void Beacon recipe
Version 1.7.0
- Added Night-Vision Goggles, for a different kind of revealing
- Added Void Beacon, to conjure something from (almost) nothing
- Added Cleansing Charm, to help you with your Warp problem
- Added Bone Bow, revisiting a blast from the past
- Added Primal Arrows, to spice up your archery
- Flying Carpets can now be dyed different colors
- Fixed crafting recipe bug with Bone Bow and Hexamite
Version 1.6.0
- Added Meaty Orb, for when the weather forecast should be "cloudy with a chance of meatballs"
- Added Structure Diviner, to track down interesting spots in the world
- Fixed a mod compatibility bug in ore detection logic
- Fixed an ore-matching issue with the Ore Diviner
- Fixed item duplication bug with Catalyzation Chamber
- Render tooltips in Catalyzation Chamber GUI
- Added visual effect for Void Portal destabilization
- Fixed Z-clipping issue with the Void Fortress Helmet and skins with hats
- Added star field effect to the business end of Dimensional Rippers
Version 1.5.0
- Added Void Fortress Armor, the pinnacle of eldritch protection
- Added Meteorb, for manipulating meteorological phenomena
- Added Ore Diviner, to help you locate hard-to-find ores
- Dimensional Rippers can now be overcharged with additional essentia to create bigger rifts
- Dimensional Rippers can now enlarge existing flux rifts
- Portal Generators now show their last stability gain and loss
- Reduced Portal Generator load on Stabilizers; same stability gain over time, less flux from the Stabilizer
- Catalyst stones can now be enchanted with Unbreaking to improve their longevity
- Fixed a blockstate mod interaction bug with the Catalyzation Chamber
Version 1.4.0
- Added Flux Capacitor, to help you manage your flux problem
- Added Transmuter's Stone, to allow your Catalyzation Chamber to turn one metal into another
- Added Alienist's Stone, for tripling your ore yields with the Catalyzation Chamber
- The Timewinder now generates significantly more flux, consumes vis charge, and incurs a 60-second cooldown on use
- Dimensional Rippers have a new model
- Dimensional Rippers now only connect to things (e.g. levers, essentia tubes) on their bottom face
- Dimensional Rippers now emit a particle effect when they find a matching, correctly-positioned ripper
- Portal Anchors and Portal Generators have new models
- Void Portals now destabilize over time; unstable portals will send you off-target and have other detrimental effects
- Fixed a bug preventing teleport sound when using void portals to travel long distances
- Portal Generators can now be disabled by applying a redstone signal
- Hexamite blast power reduced and vis/shard crafting cost increased
- Hexamite now damages the local aura when it affects open air instead of creating flux from destroyed blocks
- Fixed a bug where any filled universal bucket could be turned into eight quicksilver
- The Everburning Urn is now a standard fluid handler and can be drained with pipes
- Updated Thaumonomicon page's background image
Version 1.3.0
- Added Void Portals, a means to teleport across space and dimensions
- Added Advanced Metal Purification, a more efficient way to double your ore
- Added Hexamite, for when you really need to ruin something's day
- Fixed crash bug when Primal Destroyer hunger fills