Backend server for example board game review website. Uses:
- JavaScript
- Node (built using v18.14.1)
- Express (built using 4.18.2)
- PostgreSQL (built using 14.7)
- Jest (built using 29.5.0)
- Jest-sorted (built using 1.0.14)
- Supertest (built using 6.3.3)
- PG (built using 8.11.0)
- dotenv (built using 16.0.3)
The above versions can be considered the minimal supported versions. In practice, earlier versions may work, however I advise making sure that you are using at least the above to avoid issues.
This server is hosted via render and is available
This project uses dotenv to manage local environment variables. As well, this project has two databases: test and development.
You will need to create two .env files for your project: .env.test and .env.development. After this, you'll need to add the correct PGDATABASE names into these files. For example:
// .env.development
// .env.test
After this, you can install the Node modules using npm install
After doing this, you can setup the local PostgreSQL database by running psql -f db/setup.sql
You can then seed the development database by running node db/run-seed
. You do not need to seed the test database as Jest will seed it automatically when running the test cases.
The tests can be run with npm test
The tests are located in __tests__
. You can test the individual test cases using npm test <filename>
. For example, npm test __tests__/categories.controller.test
However, Jest is intelligent enough to run the test files which just a unique identify for the file. For example, npm test categories
, npm test comments
, and so on, and the relevant test case will be run.