React to change in a model tree (expect adding/removing key on a plain object).
By default, mobx.observabble tracks deeply. But observer, reaction or autorun tracks only what you access in the function. (mobxjs/mobx#214)
If you want to observe all mutations of a deep object you will have to access all its properties. Which is not easy to write.
So I made a little abstraction over observer. Internally the package use "reflect-metadata" to crawl the store tree and put an observer on each props. // Todo perf test.
When a deep mutation is observed, the handler will receive the following event object:
change: ... // the mobx change object (the same as observer handler)
type: 'map', // the type
path: 'Store/world/entities/grunt0' // the path of the change
deepObserver(observableObject, handler, rootName?);
- object: an obbservable object
- (change: IValueDidChange, path: string) => void} listener A listener which takes a change object at first argument and the path of the node at second argument
- rootName: optional. The name of the root if you want to change it.
// Let's make some class
class User {
private aura: number = 0;
username: string = "Fraktar";
phase = -34;
inventory = {
slots: [
prefabId: "axe",
quantity: 1,
prefabId: "food",
quantity: 43
dummy: any = {};
class World {
entities = new ObservableMap<any>();
anyContent: any[] = [];
// An array to store the events
let events: any[] = [];
/** Define the observer handler **/
@DeepObserver((change, type, path) => events.push({change, type, path}))
class Store {
@observable id: number = 0;
@observable user: User = new User();
@observable world: World = new World();
const store = new Store();
// Make some mutations"grunt0", {type: "Elf"});
console.log(events.length); // 1
console.log(events[0].change.type) // "add";
console.log(events[0].path) // ("Store/world/entities/grunt0");
A cool feature of mobx state tree is JSON patch. Each mutation emit a patch.
import {JSONPatch} from "mobx-deep-observer"
deepObserve(store, (change: any, type: string, path: string) => {
console.log(...toJSONPatch(change, type, path));
}, "Store");
npm i mobx-deep-observer
npm run test
- write more tests
- example with JSON patch