The following files implement a central pattern generator for a quadruped robot in PyBullet as well as a method for parsing and measuring quadruped data based on the Dynamic Similarity Hypothesis.
Original Van Der Pol Oscillator Code - Andrew Walker
In order to run this code, the following libraries are required. The libraries can be installed by running the following command:
pip install -r pipmodules.txt
pybullet numpy matplotlib scipy sklearn pandas
In order to run an example of the Laikago in a graphic environment with a stable gait, run the following command. 40 0.006 0 x 10 10
Takes in 6 parameters for running, outputs a file containing mean and standard deviation values for experiments:
- Force - (20 - 100)
- Oscillator Timesteps (0.01 - 0.002)
- Gait - (0 - Walking, 1- Trotting, 2- Bounding)
- Folder to save to - (Any String ("all" = default))
- Foot Angle - (5-20)
- Hip Angle - (5-20) Runs for 10000 iterations with 10 repetitions, prints out results in python file, with the following format:
Oscillator Step: ()
Max Force: ()
Gait: ()
Leg Rotation: ()
Hip Rotation: ()
Velocity Mean: Velocity SD
Froude Mean: Froude SD
Distance Mean: Distance SD
Cost Of Locomotion Mean: Cost of Locomotion SD
Time Period Mean: Time Period SD
An example of parsing can be found in -> parse_all()
Although runs the majority of experiments, can be used to find successful gaits. This uses the same parameters, but only runs for 10000 iterations, and only outputs the following format:
(Froude Number) runs for 10000 iterations and produces a paired t-test of values.
Experiments can be seen by running This parses a folder and returns all experiments. Current set of experiments are the following:
print_percentages() - Prints percentage of values below froude number values of 0.4
oscillator_vs_froude_bar() - Prints a bar chart of average oscillator time-step vs froude number
plot_3d() - plots a 3d graph of all combinations of values
plot_distribution() - plots distributions found in dissertation
plot_froude() - plots froude number graph found in dissertation
Produces a single uncoupled van der pol oscillator
Produces a real-time graph of coupled van der pol oscillators
Produces an example of dynamic similarity