This is a library providing easy and customisable way of building GUI in Java Swing applications utilizing forms and tables generation based on config via both annotations and code.
If you use SwingDynamicGUI as support to your research consider citing:
D. Frąszczak, D. Bugajewski, K. Magdziarz. Swing Dynamic GUI , Proceedings of the 40th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA). 2022.,
Default SWING LAF | Substance LAF |
SWING LAF | Substance LAF |
In order to run attached examples please download/clone repository, execute mvn install
and then just run the chosen example.
If you want to run crud example from command line, please you following script in project src root
mvn install
mvn exec:java -pl swing-dynamic-gui-examples -Dexec.mainClass=""
This package consists of java POJOs used in forms
This package includes the simplest examples of using lib. You can check FormExampleApp
to visualize generated form and TableExampleApp
to check how to create dynamic table
This package provides an example how to can use lib in CRUD like app and how to laod data asynchronously outside the event dispatch thread. Moreover this example use one of the Look And Feels provided by Substance. Check it to get best UI with SWING.