To set up the program use:
This terminal will show the Imu readings
To launch simulation, open up another terminal and write:
To move the bot open up another terminal and do:
The bot moves in automatic mode where pressing any of the W A S D will get it to increase the speed at a certain direction, press the spacebar to stop it completely, press ctrl c to quit the program
rospack find turtlebot3_description
The directory that appears copy it and go to it using cd
Afterwards type:
cd urdf
Then type ls to check all the available files, the file we are looking for should be named something similar to turtlebot3_burger.gazebo.xacro.
Type the following command:
sudo nano turtlebot3_burger.gazebo.xacro
scroll down until you see
<plugin name="imu_plugin" filename="">
replace starting from with the following code
<plugin name="imu_plugin" filename="">
<noise type="gaussian">
<noise type="gaussian">
<noise type="gaussian">
<noise type="gaussian">
<noise type="gaussian">
<noise type="gaussian">
save and exit
To turn the Imu data to degrees and apply kalman_filter into the yaw:
the above command creates multiple topics which we can read from multiple readings, the topics are:
/imu_degrees , used to see the orientation imu readings in degrees
/imu_degrees/yaw used to see the yaw readings in degrees
/imu_degrees/yaw/filtered used to see the yaw readings after kalman filteration in degrees
/stable/imu used to see the imu readings in quaternion
/stable/imu/yaw used to see the yaw readings in quaternion
To visualize anything we have to run
rosrun rviz rviz
Then press add, scroll down until you see the word laser scan afterwards at the display panel (at the left) go to the topic section and enter /scan then go to the global options at the top of the display panel and change the fixed frame to base_scan
Press the clog button thats labeled configuration plot, add curves then choose whether you want the filtered data at x or y axis.
Once chosen the axis go to that axis configurations and at topic type /imu_degrees/yaw/filtered, type is float32 and at field choose data float32.
While the other axis go to topic and choose /imu_degrees/yaw, at type choose Float 32 and at field choose data float32, press ok then press run plot at the top right next to the clog
- It sources the package, exports the turtlebot3_model to be burger and initiate the simulation which also initiate the ROS master
- like the previous script it sources the package and exports the model to be burger, and it runs the command that allows control of the robot
- runs the file
Subscribes to the /imu topic, then it takes and converts the imu readings from the /imu topic by using the tf.transformation function for transforming from quaternion to euler, then changes the readings from radian to degree
It publish the conversion to 2 topics, one for the 3 orientation readings called /imu_degrees and the other for the yaw readings called /imu_degrees/yaw, both in degrees
Then it filters the yaw by applying kalman filter, with the new filtered yaw the script publishes it to a new topic called /imu_degrees/yaw/filtered