Version 0.000000000001
Created by Steve Johnson
[email protected]
Tested with Python 2.7
Should work with Python 2.6 (and 2.5 with minor modifications)
T-Reg attempts to generate useful regular expressions from newline-delimited text files. For example, this input:
item 1: bananas
item 2: carrots
produces the regular expression ^item (\d+): (\w+)a(\w+)s$
. (This is extremely early-stage output, and n
strings will produce n-1
regular expressions.)
python <file name>
- Options to ignore whitespace, specify comment characters, and give delimiter hints
- Much more processing of regex results
- Meta-regexes for higher level processing (It's turtles all the way down!)
- Interactive mode to make results more or less specific
The current algorithm is stupidly simple:
- For each diff between each adjacent pair of lines
- Begin with the string
- For each matching sequence, append an escaped string
- For each pair of nonmatching sequences, append a capture group containing all characters found in both nonmatching sequences *Unless the nonmatching sequences contain a suspiciously regular set of characters like whitespace, letters, or numbers. In that case, append a specific kind of capture group relevant to the character set.
- Append the string
- Output the string
- Begin with the string