Hi guys,
Dani Dan, here! -> https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-dan-57b910179/
There are 2 ways to experience this particular app:
- Frontend ONLY (Vue 3) -> (if you don't want to make a table and start and mysql)
- Default UX: Frontend (Vue 3) + Backend (Laravel 9) + DB (MySQL)
Steps to start this project:
- clone repo: https://github.com/danidan95/todolist---Vue-3-Laravel
- Run in project directory: "npm install"
- Start your MySQL DB (xampp)
- Run in project directory: "php artisan migrate" -----> (Make migration to Item , to connect it to your database and make the corresponding tables) --> if step 4 does not work set up manually a local db named "neptodolist" and a table named "tasklist" and WITHOUT password (see .env for details AND see Model <resources\assets\db_model_structure.png>
- Run in project directory: "npm run dev"
- Access your localhost:8000 or
#DOCS / Refferences
This assignment was not done from scratch by me BUT it has some improvements/features arhitectured by myself, and i had also the indirect help of other guys, which have done this kind of project way ahead of me:
-> https://github.com/baratahmed/Scrypster-Laravel-Vue-TODO-Completed -> https://github.com/shijiezhou1/vue3-todo -> https://aalhommada.medium.com/make-todo-list-app-with-laravel-vue-js-and-bootstrap-10dfb4ed7563 -> https://dev.to/burakgur/create-todo-app-with-vue-3-composition-api-1ok7 -> https://github.com/nodenacci/laravel-vuejs-todolist -> https://github.com/TylerPottsDev/yt-vue-todo-2022
Also have had documented from Vue3 and Laravel, PHP, Composer official Docs:
-> https://laravel.com/docs/9.x -> https://www.php.net/docs.php -> https://vuejs.org/guide/introduction.html -> https://getcomposer.org/download/ -> https://vegibit.com/getting-your-database-set-up-for-use-with-laravel/
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