All of this is experimental, under heavy development, use it at your own risk.
This is a Groovy DSL for Surbtc REST API, once you've configured your key and secret
at $HOME/.sur/
, sur
offers you an scripting environment to build your own
trading strategies
It can also call public endpoint without any configuration, that's why the following works
./gradlew -q clean installDist && echo ' { println it }' | PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/build/install/sur/bin sur
Scripts are executed by default on "safe mode", which means that methods:
will fail, to run in unsafe mode use option -U
or --unsafe
Currently only available for *nix
curl -o- | bash
Later on, to update please use:
sur --update
- shebang:
#!/usr/bin/env sur -U
sur --unsafe [script.groovy]
sur -U [script.groovy]
- create file (and directories as needed)
- On this file place:
- surbtc.key={{your api key}}
- surbtc.secret={{your api secret}}
- You can also OPTIONALLY add
-{{proxy host}}
- surbtc.proxy.port={{proxy port}}
- On this file place:
- stand at the dir you clone this repo
- execute:
./gradlew -q clean installDist && PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/build/install/sur/bin sur {{your_script.groovy}}
There are some example scripts under examples/