A simple web app to export your WebReg schedule to an ICS file, which can then be imported into Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Outlook, etc.
Built using a React frontend and a Express & Node backend. Parses provided html data with regular expressions to then construct a ICS file.
Created by: Daniel Ji ([email protected]) with the help of Owen Miller, Emmett Pangan, and Ethan Han.
Feedback form: https://forms.gle/iCZ6Fu5Lv9gBEXLk8
Web-scraping based alternative, acts as a bookmark: https://adoryvo.github.io/calendarize-webreg/ (also created recently by a UCSD student, Adory Vo!)
Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ucsd-schedule-to-calendar/haafakimhdpglinagaadlgebflifeiho?hl=en-US
Command-line based alternative, Schtoics: https://github.com/isaiahtx/Schtoics