Original README contents (with a few changes):
CakePHP OAuth2 Server Plugin by Mike Smullin [email protected]
** Host your own OAuth2 API Server Authentication system like Facebook, Twitter, etc. **
- CakePHP User Model defined in app
- No conflict with using CakePHP Auth Component in plugin
- CakePHP Migrations plugin installed
Place this directory in your plugins dir:
git submodule add git://github.com/danielbcorreia/CakePHP-OAuth2-Server-Plugin.git ./app/Plugin/OAuth2Server/
Download the latest version of Tim Ridgley's oauth2-php into ./app/Plugin/OAuth2Server/Vendors/oauth2-php/
, from:
Add this line to your ./app/config/routes.php:
// include CakePHP-OAuth2-Server-Plugin routes
require_once App::pluginPath('OAuth2Server') .'config'. DS .'routes.php';
Run this plugin's migrations (requires CakePHP Migrations plugin by CakeDC) - Branch 2.0
cake migration -plugin OAuth2Server
Customize the file ./app/Plugin/OAuth2Server/Config/oauth.php
to fit your use case.
Add this plugin's OAuth2 component to your AppController:
var $components = array('OAuth2Server.OAuth2');
Add this override to your AppController:
* Override isAuthorized() callback.
* Disables placeholder error and changes default to null,
* which has a special meaning for OAuth2Server plugin.
* @return Boolean
* null = check normally
* true = force allow without check
* false = force disallow without check
function isAuthorized() {
return null; // check normally
Authentication verification happens automatically any time getCurrentUserId() is called:
try {
$this->OAuth2->getCurrentUserId(true); // true is optional and default; means throw exception on failure
} catch (Exception $e) {
// handle problems with access_token here
CakePHP-OAuth2-Server-Plugin is written by Mike Smullin and is released under the WTFPL.
OAuth2-PHP is written by Tim Ridgely and licensed under MIT. see http://code.google.com/p/oauth2-php/
CakePHP Migrations is written by CakeDC. see https://github.com/CakeDC/migrations