Super Dino is a platform game written in C++17 using the SDL2 libraries.
Author: Daniel Machado Brasil.
sdl2, sdl2_image, sdl2_ttf, sdl2_mixer and cmake.
$ sudo apt install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev cmake
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./2D_SuperDino
None of the assets used on this game were made by the author.
Eder Muniz: Pixel Art Hill. You can find it at;
@ScissorMarks (Twitter): Dino Characters. You can find it at;
Tilation: Rocky Grass Tileset. You can find it at;
Marta Nowaczyk: Wooden Sign. You can find it at;
Melany Jireh Recinos Alegría: Cactus;
truezipp: coins. You can find it at;
All sound effects were taken from Below you'll find a list with the authors' usernames:
lloydevans09: jump sound effect;
yummie: hit sound effect;
n-audioman: hit sound effect;
free-rush: coin sound effect;
littlerainyseasons: good-end sound effect;
kickhat: click sound effect;
myfox14: gameover arcade sound effect;
screamstudio: gameover arcade sound effect;
mrthenoronha: theme song.