This is a guide to get you up && running quickly to compile your CSS using nothing but your command line and/or terminal. Once I discovered a few commands, finally able to navigate myself gently around the terminal - what I discovered was, that, using the command line, I was able to start coding faster, easier, and with less errors. It was m a g i c a l. These are the simple things I made notes of that helped me make the transition from 3rd party apps (codekit && prepos) to only my terminal.
###Install Sass
Step 1 —
This is the first-timer install section. To get started, we need to first find the terminal. On a mac, type cmd+spacebar
and search for "terminal". Once you're in the terminal, we need to do 1 -of- 2 things. A. If this is your first time, you need to install Sass on your machine. Otherwise, B, you need to update it.
For Newbs, please type the command sudo gem install sass
. This will go out and fetch the gem Sass and install it on your machine. Intially, it'll ask for your password; this will just be your cpu's start up credentials.
Those of you who have already installed Sass but need to get up && running on a new/current project, update Sass by typing sudo gem update sass
Finally, if you would just like to check the current version or simply make sure it's installed, type sass -v
for version.
sudo gem install sass
- Intial Installation of Sasssudo gem update sass
- Update Sasssass -v
- Check Sass version
###Using Sass
Step 2 —
To get the Sass compiler up && running, watching our project, we will need to use the --watch
command so that it can begin looking for changes in our project folder (directory).
First things, first. We need to make sure we're in the correct directory of or project. Here are some helpful commands in order to get us to that point.
cd desktop/project-name
- Change directory to desktop > foldercd project-name
- If you're already on desktop, simplypwd
- Shows you where you're atls
- Shows the files & folders in the current directoryctrl-c
- Stop Sass from watching
Step 3 —
Once you know you're in the correct location/file/directory of the project you're going to be working on - it's probably best to keep your CSS & Sass in separate folders. Therefore, we'll want to use the command sass --watch sass:css
. This is saying, "Hey Sass, watch all the files in the 'Sass' folder for any changes and update the stylesheet in the 'CSS' folder." A few more tips include;
sass --watch sass:css
- Will compile your Sass & CSS files when in different folderssass --watch --style compressed sass:css
- Compress and minify code by usingsass --watch --style compressed file-name.sass:file-name.css
- Compile stylesheet explicitly when files are in the same directory
Step 4 —
Dw will ask you anytime a Sass file has been changed that "The file has been modified outside of Dw would you like to update/save those changes" and you want to be sure to click yes
so that it'll stop asking you.
Lastly, here are a few general command tips to help you level up. Enjoy!
- Shows files again? idrkcd ../
orcd -
- Go back to previous directoryopen file-name.html
- Open that file in a browser. Cute, huh?cd my\ directory\
- use the\
to deal w/ spaces in directory names...mkdir folderName
- Creates a new Directory or Foldertouch file-name.html
- Creates a new filepython -m SimpleHTTPServer
- Will run a local server
Step 5 —
Set up a localSever environment. This is helpful to avoid browser caching issues which are a pain in the ass...
to open a new tab in the terminal (this is so that your sass compiler does not get interupted.)- navigate to the location/file/directory of the project that you're going to be working on. Esentially, whatever folder that contains the index.html you'll be wanting to view
- enter
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
to get a server running - in the browser, view the
by typinglocalhost:8000
into the browser - If another site in development is already being used by
just add an alternitve port likepython -m SimpleHTTPServer 7800
- Then access it just like you would in Step 3