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Follow searches service for DDB



  1. Run docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume $PWD:/app composer install to install dependencies.
  2. Copy .env.example to .env and adjust the configuration.
  3. Run ./artisan migrate:fresh to create the database tables.
  4. Serve using php -S -t public/ (for testing), FPM, or Apache.


The configuration may be passed via environment variables, but the .env file allows for easy configuration of all variables. See .env.example for configuration options.


Branching strategy

The project uses the Git Flow model for branching.

Architecture overview

The application code is in the App namespace and located in the app directory.

Application bootstrapping is in bootstrap/app.php, it sets up the container, middleware and service providers, and points at the route file.

Routes are defined in routes/web.php. They all point to a method in a Controller class. See the Lumen documentation on routing for more information.


The controller classes is defined in App\Http\Controllers. The controller methods handling requests gets the URL path placeholders as arguments, and type hinted arguments are auto-wired from the container. They can return array data (which is automatically transformed into a JSON response), a Illuminate\Http\Response (which subclasses Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response), or throw an exception (which is converted to an appropriate response by the error handler).

See the Lumen documentation on controllers for more information.


The application uses middleware from the oauth2-adgangsplatformen package to enforce bearer token authentication for routes.

This ensures that the return value of the Request::user() method of the current request is an instance of an AdgangsplatformenUser object corresponding to the token.

Requests without valid tokens are rejected.

Error handling

The App\Exceptions\Handler handles exceptions thrown by the controllers. It converts Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException and its subclasses into the corresponding responses (NotFoundHttpException into a 404, for instance). For Illuminate\Http\Exceptions\HttpResponseException (which is an exception that encapsulates a Response) it simply uses the exceptions response. Everything else causes a "500 Internal error" response, unless the APP_DEBUG environment variable is true, in which case it serves the exception message as text/plain to ease debugging.


The database schema is defined in database/migrations.

See the Laravel documentation on migrations for more information.

Queries are done with the Laravel query builder. The application does not use an ORM.

See the Lumen documentation on databases for more information.


Behavior tests

Most tests are done as behavior test using Behat. The features are in tests/features while the context classes reside in tests/contexts, and the tests can be run with ./vendor/bin/behat.

The context doesn't interact with the application over HTTP, rather the application is booted inside the test for each scenario. This is the same way that unit tests of controllers is done, in fact the context is using the same Laravel\Lumen\Testing\Concerns\MakesHttpRequests trait that Laravel\Lumen\Testing\TestCase uses to construct the right request objects.

This also makes code coverage collection simpler. Behat writes coverage to coverage, which can be rendered to HTML with ./vendor/bin/phpcov merge --html=./coverage/html ./coverage.

API specification lint

To ensure the integrity and quality of the specification we lint it using Speccy.

To install Speccy, run npm install --global speccy

To run Speccy, run speccy lint follow-searches.yaml

API specification test

API specification tests are done by generating requests as documented by the specification and testing if the application reacts as documented. Dredd is used for this.

To install Dredd, run: npm install --global dredd@12.

Running Dredd is as simple as dredd. Dredd is configured to run php -S -t public to start the server, which simply runs the application using the PHP built-in webserver.

In order to ensure the right conditions for each test, Dredd uses a hooks file (tests/dredd/hooks.php), which allows for setting fixtures or modifying the requests/response.

To get the names of requests (for use in hook file), use dredd --names. Getting dredd to display any output from the hook file (for debugging), you need to run it in verbose mode: dredd --loglevel=debug.

Unit tests

Unit tests are primarily used to test parts that are difficult to test by the previous methods, unexpected exception handling for instance. Run ./vendor/bin/phpunit to run the test suite.


Create namespace with labels to allow traffic.

kubectl create namespace follow-searches
kubectl label namespaces/ingress networking/namespace=ingress
kubectl label namespaces/follow-searches networking/namespace=follow-searches

This repository comes with helm chats for deployment to kubernetes cluster in infrastructure/material_list which requires that you have a local secrets.yml in the templates folder. As this file contains sensitive information you can use the secrects.example.yaml file as a template for the required values.

The following command can be used to install the chart

helm upgrade --install --namespace=follow-searches follow-searches infrastructure/follow_searches/ --set


Copyright (C) 2019 Danskernes Digitale Bibliotek (DDB)

This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License - see the file for details