What's Changed
- Add clarity code by @pepe1113 in #2
- Feature/tracking code by @vincentxuu in #3
- update and fix by @vincentxuu in #5
- fix: resource title by @SiongSng in #6
- feature: group page and js alias import config by @JohnsonMao in #9
- Feature/2.1 partner by @hsuifang in #10
- Add donate promotion bar by @pepe1113 in #21
- feat(partner): Deal with Fetching Search Partners results by @hsuifang in #22
- 2.2 partner profile / 夥伴資訊 by @hsuifang in #11
- fix(partner): ui-show Search Tag and api-queryParams by @hsuifang in #23
- feat(partner): 串接 user/:id 及 調整頁面路徑 by @hsuifang in #24
- Feature/1.2 profile login by @hsuifang in #27
- fix: 登入Login 配置及 remove unnecessary code by @hsuifang in #28
- fix(sign): define BaseUrl and modify style by @hsuifang in #29
- ♻️ Move mockData to the API directory and implement Redux integration with the API by @JohnsonMao in #20
- feat: add email images by @pepe1113 in #30
- fix(profile): fix tags of profile by @hsuifang in #32
- fix: 發送 Email 內容- 角色及切換訂閱電子報 by @hsuifang in #33
- feat: Add country/city/district field in Location profile/edit, Modif… by @hsuifang in #34
- Feature/group detail by @JohnsonMao in #35
- ✨ create group page and form by @JohnsonMao in #36
- Refactor/profile form by @hsuifang in #37
- fix (profile/partner section): Modify the items related to areas and … by @hsuifang in #41
- Feature/group by @JohnsonMao in #42
- 🐛 fix create group and my group bug by @JohnsonMao in #43
- 🐛 fix facebook api to handle error payloads properly by @JohnsonMao in #44
- Chore/modify Profile by @hsuifang in #46
- fix: not display contact button bug by @JohnsonMao in #47
- fix: mobile menu display partner and group link by @JohnsonMao in #48
- chore: Add autoLogoutSaga and persist partner by @hsuifang in #49
- fix: call api 401 status by @JohnsonMao in #50
- fix: token expires by @JohnsonMao in #51
- fix: line overflow issue causing text not to wrap by @JohnsonMao in #52
- fix(partner): hide button after login by @hsuifang in #53
- fix: auto logout bug by @JohnsonMao in #55
- Bump next from 13.0.3 to 13.5.1 by @dependabot in #13
- fix: search group list by @JohnsonMao in #57
- feat: group upload photo by @JohnsonMao in #58
- fix: build error ReferenceError: Blob is not defined by @JohnsonMao in #59
- fix: send email to group own by @JohnsonMao in #60
- feature: add conditional logic for menu display by @JohnsonMao in #61
- chore: modify text on group detail page by @JohnsonMao in #62
- feature: add link to report form by @JohnsonMao in #63
- feature: add join community page by @JohnsonMao in #64
- Merge: sync prod code by @JohnsonMao in #66
New Contributors
- @pepe1113 made their first contribution in #2
- @vincentxuu made their first contribution in #3
- @SiongSng made their first contribution in #6
- @JohnsonMao made their first contribution in #9
- @hsuifang made their first contribution in #10
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #13
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0