Calculate pragmatic relaxation rates of fluorinated biomolecules from molecular dynamics trajectories.
This repository is associated with the following publication:
- DT Yang, AM Gronenborn, LT Chong, “Integrating Fluorinated, Aromatic Amino Acids into the Framework of the AMBER ff15ipq Force Field.” J. Phys. Chem. A 2022, in press;
This package reqiures the following:
- Numpy
- MDAnalysis
- Matplotlib
- Pandas
- Scipy
Features should be developed on branches. To create and switch to a branch, use the command:
git checkout -b new_branch_name
To switch to an existing branch, use:
git checkout branch_name
To submit your feature to be incorporated into master branch, you should submit a Pull Request
. The repository maintainers will review your pull request before accepting your changes.
To run for 4F-Trp using the provided example simulation data:
python -c data/ -p data/3k0n_w4f_dry.prmtop --sys w4f
To view all available arguments and descriptions:
python --help
Copyright (c) 2021, Darian Yang