Welcome to the CodeWay internship tasks. In this project, I worked on three different tasks: creating a Landing Page, a Portfolio, and a Calculator.
- Task 1: Landing Page ( HTML, CSS and Figma for design )
- Task 2: Portfolio ( HTML, CSS and Gifs as illustrations )
- Task 3: Calculator ( HTML, CSS, JavaScript )
Thanks to Codeway, I was given the chance to be creative and learn more of HTML, CSS and Javascript.
- CSS Pro Helped me immensely with gradient background colours, box shadows and so much more
- Figma was a great resource to visualise and get design inspiration
To explore the completed tasks, you can easily navigate to each task's folder to find the materials. or by cloning the repository as follows:
- git clone [email protected]:darinetag/CODEWAY.git
- Then select whichever project you would like to see