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Adding Index Page Blocks

darkalchemy edited this page Feb 4, 2020 · 3 revisions

To properly add a block to the index page, you need to do several things.

I'll use the radio block that was removed on Dec 1, 2018.

In admin/block.settings.php add:

$contents[] = "
                            <div class='w-100'>{$lang['block_radio']}</div>
                            <div class='slideThree'>
                            <div class='w-100'>{$lang['block_radio_set']}</div>";

after the last $contents item in section identified with:

<fieldset id='user_blocks_index' class='header'>

Adding this allows the staff to enable/disable the block.

Add the following to public/user_blocks.php:

    if (isset($_POST['radio'])) {
        $setbits_index_page |= block_index::RADIO;
    } else {
        $clrbits_index_page |= block_index::RADIO;

In the section of 'block_index', then add:

$checkbox_index_radio = (($user['blocks']['index_page'] & block_index::RADIO) ? ' checked' : '');

In the section '//==Index' checkboxes are, then add:

if ($BLOCKS['radio_on']) {
    $contents[] = "
                <div class='w-100'>Enable Radio?</div>
                <div class='slideThree'>
                    <input type='checkbox' id='radio' name='radio' value='yes' $checkbox_index_radio>
                    <label for='radio'></label>
                <div class='w-100'>Check this option if you want to enable the site radio.</div>";

after the last $contents item in section identified with:


Adding this allows the user to enable/disable the block.

Create the file blocks/index/radio.php with the contents:

require_once ROOT_DIR . 'radio.php';
$site_radio .= "
    <a id='radio-hash'></a>
    <div id='radio' class='box'>
        <div class='bordered'>
            <div class='alt_bordered bg-00 has-text-centered'>" . radioinfo($radio) . '

Add the block information to public/index.php

if (in_array('site_radio', $available_columns) && $user['blocks']['index_page'] & block_index::RADIO && $BLOCKS['radio_on']) {
    include_once BLOCK_DIR . 'index' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'radio.php';

Then add the block to any of the 5 column arrays:

$above_columns = []; // shows above the 3 main columns
$below_columns = []; // shows below the 3 main columns
$left_column = []; // left column, can be empty
$center_column = []; // center column, can not be empty
$right_column = []; // right column, can not be empty

Create the file public/radio_popup.php

require_once dirname(__FILE__, 2) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bittorrent.php';
require_once INCL_DIR . 'user_functions.php';
require_once INCL_DIR . 'html_functions.php';
$lang = load_language('global');
require_once ROOT_DIR . 'radio.php';
global $CURUSER, $site_config;
$body_class = 'background-16 h-style-9 text-9 skin-2';
$HTMLOUT = doc_head() . "
    <meta property='og:title' content='{$site_config['site_name']}'>
    <title>{$site_config['site_name']} Radio</title>
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='" . get_file_name('vendor_css') . "'>
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='" . get_file_name('css') . "'>
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='" . get_file_name('main_css') . "'>
<body class='$body_class has-text-centered'>
        var theme = localStorage.getItem('theme');
        if (theme) {
            document.body.className = theme;
        function roll_over(img_name, img_src) {
    <h2>{$site_config['site_name']} Site Radio</h2>
        <a href='http://{$radio['host']}:{$radio['port']}/listen.pls' onmouseover=\"roll_over('winamp', '{$site_config['pic_baseurl']}winamp_over.png')\" onmouseout=\"roll_over('winamp', '{$site_config['pic_baseurl']}winamp.png')\">
            <img src='{$site_config['pic_baseurl']}winamp.png' name='winamp' alt='Click here to listen with Winamp' title='Click here to listen with Winamp'>
        <a href='http://{$radio['host']}:{$radio['port']}/listen.asx' onmouseover=\"roll_over('wmp', '{$site_config['pic_baseurl']}wmp_over.png')\" onmouseout=\"roll_over('wmp', '{$site_config['pic_baseurl']}wmp.png')\">
            <img src='{$site_config['pic_baseurl']}wmp.png' name='wmp' alt='Click here to listen with Windows Media Player' title='Click here to listen with Windows Media Player'>
    </div>" . radioinfo($radio) . "
    <div class='has-text-centered'>
        <a class='altlink' href='javascript: window.close()'><b>[ Close window ]</b></a>
echo $HTMLOUT;

Since this uses some javascript to open a modal, add this to scripts/replaced.js:

function radio() {
    PopUp('radio_popup.php', 'My Radio', 800, 700, 1, 0);

Then create the file radio.php:

$radio = [
    'host' => '',
    'port' => '',
    'password' => '',
$langs = [
    'CURRENTLISTENERS' => 'Current listeners: <b>%d</b>',
    'SERVERTITLE' => 'Server: <b>%s</b>',
    'SERVERURL' => 'Server url: <b>%s:' . $radio['port'] . '</b>',
    'SONGTITLE' => 'Current song: <b>%s</b>',
    'BITRATE' => 'Bitrate: <b>%s kb</b>',
    'BITRATE' => 'Bitrate: <b>%s kb</b>',
    'PEAKLISTENERS' => 'Peak listeners: <b>%d</b>',
 * @param $radio
 * @return string
function radioinfo($radio)
    global $langs, $site_config, $CURUSER, $cache;
    $xml = $html = $history = '';
    if ($hand = @fsockopen($radio['host'], $radio['port'], $errno, $errstr, 30)) {
        fputs($hand, 'GET /admin.cgi?pass=' . $radio['password'] . "&mode=viewxml HTTP/1.1\nUser-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 " . "(Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6\n\n");
        while (!feof($hand)) {
            $xml .= fgets($hand, 1024);
        foreach ($tempdata as $t2) {
            $data[$t2[1]] = isset($langs[$t2[1]]) ? sprintf($langs[$t2[1]], $t2[2]) : $t2[2];
        preg_match_all('/\<SONG>(.*?)<\/SONG\>/', $xml, $temph);
        unset($temph[0][0], $temph[1]);
        $history = [];
        foreach ($temph[0] as $temph2) {
            preg_match_all('/\<(TITLE|PLAYEDAT)>(.*?)<\/\\1\>/i', $temph2, $temph3, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
            $history[] = '<b>&#160;' . $temph3[2][1] . '</b> <sub>(' . get_date($temph3[2][0], 'DATE') . ')</sub>';
        preg_match_all('/\<HOSTNAME>(.*?)<\/HOSTNAME>/', $xml, $temph);
        if (!empty($temph[1]) && count($temph[1])) {
            $users_ip = implode(', ', array_map('sqlesc', $temph[1]));
        if ($data['STREAMSTATUS'] == 0) {
            return 'Sorry ' . $CURUSER['username'] . '... : Server ' . $radio['host'] . ' is online but there is no stream';
        } else {
            $md5_current_song = md5($data['SONGTITLE']);
            $current_song = $cache->get('current_radio_song');
            if ($current_song === false || $current_song != $md5_current_song) {
                //autoshout(str_replace(array('<','>'),array('[',']'),$data['SONGTITLE'].' playing on '.strtolower($data['SERVERTITLE']).' - '.strtolower($data['SERVERURL'])));
                $cache->set('current_radio_song', $md5_current_song, 0);
            $html = '<fieldset>
                <legend>' . $site_config['site_name'] . ' Radio</legend><ul>';
            foreach ($data as $d) {
                $html .= '<li><b>' . $d . '</b></li>';
            $html .= '<li><b>Playlist history: </b> ' . (count($history) > 0 ? implode(', ', $history) : 'No playlist history') . '</li>';
            if (empty($users_ip) === false) {
                $q1 = sql_query('SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE ip IN (' . $users_ip . ') ORDER BY username ASC') or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
                if (mysqli_num_rows($q1) == 0) {
                    $html .= '<li><b>Listeners</b>: currently no listener from site </li>';
                } else {
                    $users = [];
                    while ($a1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q1)) {
                        $users[] = format_username($a1['id']);
                    $html .= '<li><b>Listeners</b>: ' . implode(', ', $users) . '</li>';
            $html .= '</ul></fieldset>';
            return $html;
    } else {
        $html .= '
                <h2>' . $site_config['site_name'] . ' Radio</h2>
                <span class="size_3 has-text-danger">
                    <img src="' . $site_config['pic_baseurl'] . 'off1.gif" alt="Off-Line" class="tooltipper" title="Off-Line" border="0"><br>
                    <b>Sorry ' . $CURUSER['username'] . ', the radio is currently offline</b>
    return $html;

And finally add a link to the file templates/1/navbar.php:

<li class='iss_hidden'><a href='#' onclick='radio();'>{$lang['gl_radio']}</a></li>

in the section identified by:


Because this added a bit of javascript, you will need to recreate the needed files by running:

php bin/uglify.php