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ROS-SONDE converter on Mac/Windows

This repo contains docker module that automatically change .bag data into .csv by running (1) rosbag play (2) converter harness. This is designed for non-computer scientists and roboticists so that people can easily run in a single shot.


  • Mingi Jeong
  • Alberto Quattrini Li


├── bagfile
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── images
├── novnc.env
├── ros.env
└── workspace
    └── src
        ├── time_sync_bag_to_csv
        └── ysi_exo


Before following the next two steps, install Docker (installation instructions for Mac or for Windows).

1. Setup

Open a new terminal in the Mac or PowerShell in Windows.

  1. Once the terminal is open, clone this repository with the command git clone
  2. Enter in the cloned repository folder, cd vnc-ros-sonde-docker
  3. Run git submodule init (only first time)
  4. Run git submodule update --recursive (only first time)
  5. Run docker-compose build

(ros.env contains environment variables for ROS that can be modified before running the command in step 3. No need to change it for biologists)

Once the other terminal shows the following type of messages

Starting mac-ros_novnc_1 ... done
Starting mac-ros_ros_1   ... done

2. Entering the container

On the same terminal you built,

  1. Run docker-compose up open another terminal:
  2. Run docker-compose exec ros bash (docker-compose up has to be running)
  3. On the same terminal, run source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
  4. Run find /root/catkin_ws/src -type f -exec dos2unix '{}' '+' (only first time)
  5. cd /root/catkin_ws and catkin_make
  6. source /devel/setup.bash
  7. cd /root/catkin_ws/src/time_sync_bag_to_csv/nodes
  8. chmod +x convert_harness and chmod +x csv_converter

3. Data preparation and conversion

  1. copy one bag file into bagfile folder inside vnc-ros-sonde-docker.

  2. vnc-ros-sonde-docker --> workspace --> src --> time_sync_bag_to_csv --> param --> change the information

    • update the bag_file_name to be convereted
    • update sonar true or false according to the usage of Catabot2, Catabot3 or box
  3. On the same terminal, run roslaunch time_sync_bag_to_csv harness.launch and you should see a number of messages, including [INFO] data saving! file location. As long as the time is ticking, it is going on. The conversion takes the same amount of the deployment.

4. To terminate

  1. In the terminal open for step 2., press ctrl+c, which will stop the execution of the simulator. Once that is stopped -- you should see it as the terminal can accept commands -- press ctrl+d to exit the Docker container.

  2. Afterwards, in the terminal open for step 1., press ctrl+c. Once terminated, you should see the following messages

    Stopping mac-ros_ros_1 ... done Stopping mac-ros_novnc_1 ... done

  3. Run docker-compose down (Make sure you are inside vnc-ros-sonde-docker before doing this)

At this point, both terminals can be closed if you wish.

5. from 2nd time usage

  1. copy bag file to bagfile folder
  2. docker-compose up as per step 2
  3. docker-compose exec ros bash as per step 2
  4. source workspace bash as per step 2.
  5. roslaunch as per step 3.

Editing your workspace (not for limno)

The workspace folder that gets created on your machine by docker-compose is where you can write and edit your packages. It maps to ~/catkin_ws on the Docker container. However, if you want to run catkin_make, do so by creating a bash via docker-compose exec ros bash and running catkin_make in /catkin_ws.

Installing other packages (not for limno)

Edit the Dockerfile line that installs packages and rebuild the container using docker-compose build.


  1. multiple bags


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Contributors 3
