This repository contains the implementation of Dynamic Obstacle Detection and Tracking (DODT) algorithm which aims at detecting and tracking dynamic obstacles for robots with extremely constraint computational resources.
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This repo can be used as a standalone package and also comes as a module of our autonomy framework.
The related paper can be found on:
Zhefan Xu*, Xiaoyang Zhan*, Yumeng Xiu, Christopher Suzuki, Kenji Shimada, "Onboard dynamic-object detection and tracking for autonomous robot navigation with RGB-D camera”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2024. [paper] [video].
*The authors contributed equally.
This package has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 LTS with ROS Melodic/Noetic on Intel Realsense D435i and NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX, Orin NX and Intel NUC. Make sure you have installed the compatible ROS version.
# this package needs ROS vision_msgs package
sudo apt install ros-noetic-vision-msgs
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
Please download the rosbag file from this link:
rosbag play -l multiple-objects.bag
roslaunch onboard_detector run_detector.launch
- Example with single dynamic object:
- Example with multiple dynamic objects:
Please adjust the configuration file under cfg/detector_param.yaml
of your camera device. Also, change the color image topic name in scripts/yolo_detector/
From the parameter file, you can find that the algorithm expects the following data from the robot:
Depth image:
Robot pose:
Robot odom (optional):
Color image (optional if YOLO is applied):
Aligned depth image (optional):
# Launch your device first. Make sure it has the above data.
roslaunch onboard_detector run_detector.launch
For ImportError: No module named yaml
on Ubuntu 20.04, please run:
sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python
If you find this work useful, please cite the paper:
title={Onboard dynamic-object detection and tracking for autonomous robot navigation with RGB-D camera},
author={Xu, Zhefan and Zhan, Xiaoyang and Xiu, Yumeng and Suzuki, Christopher and Shimada, Kenji},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},