##Use Case
The VoltDB Monitoring Extension collects the stats from VoltDB and reports them to the AppDynamics Controller.
This extension works only with the standalone machine agent.
##Prerequisite VoltDB client library is not in maven repo. To get it using maven we have to install the client library in the local maven repo. Client library with version 4.2 is checked in to the lib folder. Use the below maven command to install the library to local maven repo.
mvn install:install-file -Dfile={path to client library} -DgroupId=org.voltdb -DartifactId=voltdb-client -Dversion=4.2 -Dpackaging=jar
Run 'mvn clean install' from the voltdb-monitoring-extension directory
Download the file VoltDBMonitor.zip found in the 'target' directory into <machineagent install dir>/monitors/
Unzip the downloaded file and cd into VoltDBMonitor
Open the monitor.xml file and provide values for voltdb-host, voltdb-port, user-name, password and mode
Restart the Machine Agent.
In the AppDynamics controller, look for events in Custom Metrics|VoltDB|
Note: As this extension is reporting more than 200 metrics, please start the machine agent with appdynamics.agent.maxMetrics=400 property to increase the metric limit. Default metric limit is 200
ex : java -Dappdynamics.agent.maxMetrics=400 -jar machineagent.jar
##Directory Structure
Directory/File | Description |
src/main/java | Contains source code to VoltDB Monitoring Extension |
src/main/resources | Contains monitor.xml |
target | Only obtained when using maven. Run 'maven clean install' to get the distributable .zip file |
pom.xml | Maven script file (required only if changing Java code) |
##XML Examples
Param | Description |
voltdb-host | VoltDB host |
voltdb-port | VoltDb port. For client API default port is 21212 and for REST API default port is 8080 |
user-name | User who has permission to execute system procedures |
password | password |
mode | Mode in which user wants to gather the stats. Possible values are clientAPI/restAPI |
<description>Volt DB monitor</description>
<name>VoltDB Monitor Run Task</name>
<display-name>VoltDB Monitor Task</display-name>
<description>VoltDB Monitor Task</description>
<argument name="voltdb-host" is-required="true" default-value="localhost" />
<argument name="voltdb-port" is-required="true" default-value="21212" />
<!--User should have access to execute system procedures -->
<argument name="user-name" is-required="false" default-value="admin" />
<argument name="password" is-required="false" default-value="voltdb" />
<!--Mode through which you want to fetch stats. Possible values [clientAPI/restAPI] -->
<argument name="mode" is-required="false" default-value="clientAPI" />
###Steps to secure VoltDB with username and password
Create Role in VoltDB
To create a role user has to execute the below query
CREATE ROLE admin WITH sysproc,adhoc,defaultproc;
The above query createa role with admin with sysproc, adhoc and defaultproc permissions. -
In the deployment.xml add the following lines
<security enabled="true"/>
<user name="admin" password="voltdb" roles="admin"/>
It will enable security and you can only access the VoltDB with user 'admin' and password 'voltdb'.
For more info on securing VoltDB please visit http://voltdb.com/docs/UsingVoltDB/ChapSecurity.php#SecurityHowItWorks
###Enabling Json interface If you want to fetch stats using REST API, you must enable json interface. You do this by adding the following lines to deployment.xml
<httpd enabled="true">
<jsonapi enabled="true" />
###Index Metrics related to Index
Name | Description |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Index/{SITE_ID}/{PARTITION_ID}/{TABLE_NAME}/{INDEX_NAME}/ENTRY_COUNT | The number of index entries currently in the partition |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Index/{SITE_ID}/{PARTITION_ID}/{TABLE_NAME}/{INDEX_NAME}/IS_COUNTABLE | A byte value specifying whether the index maintains a counter to optimize COUNT(*) queries |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Index/{SITE_ID}/{PARTITION_ID}/{TABLE_NAME}/{INDEX_NAME}/IS_UNIQUE | A byte value specifying whether the index is unique (1) or not (0) |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Index/{SITE_ID}/{PARTITION_ID}/{TABLE_NAME}/{INDEX_NAME}/MEMORY_ESTIMATE | The estimated amount of memory (in kilobytes) consumed by the current index entries |
###IOSTATS Metrics related to IO operations
Name | Description |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/IO/{CONNECTION_HOSTNAME}/{CONNECTION_ID}/BYTES_READ | The number of bytes of data sent from the client to the host |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/IO/{CONNECTION_HOSTNAME}/{CONNECTION_ID}/BYTES_WRITTEN | The number of bytes of data sent from the host to the client |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/IO/{CONNECTION_HOSTNAME}/{CONNECTION_ID}/CONNECTION_ID | Numeric ID of the client connection invoking the procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/IO/{CONNECTION_HOSTNAME}/{CONNECTION_ID}/MESSAGES_READ | The number of individual messages sent from the client to the host |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/IO/{CONNECTION_HOSTNAME}/{CONNECTION_ID}/MESSAGES_WRITTEN | The number of individual messages sent from the host to the client |
###LIVECLIENTS Metrics related to client connections currently active on the cluster
Name | Description |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Live Clients/{CLIENT_HOSTNAME}/ADMIN | A byte value specifying whether the connection is to the client port (0) or the admin port (1) |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Live Clients/{CLIENT_HOSTNAME}/CONNECTION_ID | Numeric ID of the client connection invoking the procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Live Clients/{CLIENT_HOSTNAME}/OUTSTANDING_REQUEST_BYTES | The number of bytes of data sent from the client currently pending on the host |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Live Clients/{CLIENT_HOSTNAME}/OUTSTANDING_RESPONSE_MESSAGES | The number of messages on the host queue waiting to be retrieved by the client |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Live Clients/{CLIENT_HOSTNAME}/OUTSTANDING_ TRANSACTIONS | The number of transactions (that is, stored procedures) initiated on behalf of the client that have yet to be completed |
###MEMORY Metrics related to server in the cluster
Name | Description |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Memory/{HOSTNAME}/INDEXMEMORY | The amount of memory (in kilobytes) currently in use for storing database indexes |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Memory/{HOSTNAME}/JAVAUNUSED | The amount of memory (in kilobytes) allocated by Java but unused. (In other words, free space in the Java heap.) |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Memory/{HOSTNAME}/JAVAUSED | The amount of memory (in kilobytes) allocated by Java and currently in use by VoltDB |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Memory/{HOSTNAME}/POOLEDMEMORY | The total size of memory (in megabytes) allocated for tasks other than database records, indexes, and strings |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Memory/{HOSTNAME}/RSS | The current resident set size. That is, the total amount of memory allocated to the VoltDB processes on the server |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Memory/{HOSTNAME}/STRINGMEMORY | The amount of memory (in kilobytes) currently in use for storing string and binary data that is not stored "in-line" in the database record |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Memory/{HOSTNAME}/TUPLEALLOCATED | The amount of memory (in kilobytes) allocated for the storage of database records (including free space) |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Memory/{HOSTNAME}/TUPLECOUNT | The total number of database records currently in memory |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Memory/{HOSTNAME}/TUPLEDATA | The amount of memory (in kilobytes) currently in use for storing database records |
###PARTITIONCOUNT Metrics related to total number of partitions and the host
Name | Description |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Partition Count/{HOSTNAME} | PARTITION_COUNT |
###PROCEDURE Metrics related to every stored procedure that has been executed on the cluster
Name | Description |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure/{PROCEDURE}/ABORTS | The number of times the procedure was aborted |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure/{PROCEDURE}/AVG_EXECUTION_TIME | The average length of time (in nanoseconds) it took to execute the stored procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure/{PROCEDURE}/AVG_PARAMETER_SET_SIZE | The average size (in bytes) of the parameters passed as input to the procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure/{PROCEDURE}/AVG_RESULT_SIZE | The average size (in bytes) of the results returned by the procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure/{PROCEDURE}/FAILURES | The number of times the procedure failed unexpectedly |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure/{PROCEDURE}/INVOCATIONS | The total number of invocations of this procedure at this site |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure/{PROCEDURE}/MAX_EXECUTION_TIME | The maximum length of time (in nanoseconds) it took to execute the stored procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure/{PROCEDURE}/MAX_PARAMETER_SET_SIZE | The maximum size (in bytes) of the parameters passed as input to the procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure/{PROCEDURE}/MAX_RESULT_SIZE | The maximum size (in bytes) of the results returned by the procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure/{PROCEDURE}/MIN_EXECUTION_TIME | The minimum length of time (in nanoseconds) it took to execute the stored procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure/{PROCEDURE}/MIN_PARAMETER_SET_SIZE | The minimum size (in bytes) of the parameters passed as input to the procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure/{PROCEDURE}/MIN_RESULT_SIZE | The minimum size (in bytes) of the results returned by the procedures |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure/{PROCEDURE}/TIMED_INVOCATIONS | The number of invocations used to measure the minimum, maximum, and average execution time |
###PROCEDUREINPUT Metrics related to every stored procedure that has been executed on the cluster
Name | Description |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Input/{PROCEDURE}/AVG_PARAMETER_SET_SIZE | The average parameter set size in bytes |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Input/{PROCEDURE}/INVOCATIONS | The total number of invocations of this procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Input/{PROCEDURE}/MAX_PARAMETER_SET_SIZE | The maximum parameter set size in bytes |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Input/{PROCEDURE}/MIN_PARAMETER_SET_SIZE | The minimum parameter set size in bytes |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Input/{PROCEDURE}/TOTAL_PARAMETER_SET_SIZE_MB | The total input for all invocations of this stored procedure measured in megabytes |
###PROCEDUREOUTPUT Metrics related to every stored procedure that has been executed on the cluster
Name | Description |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Output/{PROCEDURE}/AVG_RESULT_SIZE | The average result set size in bytes |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Output/{PROCEDURE}/INVOCATIONS | The total number of invocations of this procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Output/{PROCEDURE}/MAX_RESULT_SIZE | The maximum result set size in bytes |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Output/{PROCEDURE}/MIN_RESULT_SIZE | The minimum result set size in bytes |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Output/{PROCEDURE}/TOTAL_RESULT_SIZE_MB | The total output returned by all invocations of this stored procedure measured in megabytes |
###PROCEDUREPROFILE Metrics related to every stored procedure that has been executed on the cluster
Name | Description |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Profile/{PROCEDURE}/ABORTS | The number of times the procedure was aborted |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Profile/{PROCEDURE}/AVG | The average length of time (in nanoseconds) it took to execute the stored procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Profile/{PROCEDURE}/FAILURES | The number of times the procedure failed unexpectedly |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Profile/{PROCEDURE}/INVOCATIONS | The total number of invocations of this procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Profile/{PROCEDURE}/MAX | The maximum length of time (in nanoseconds) it took to execute the stored procedure |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Procedure Profile/{PROCEDURE}/MIN | The minimum length of time (in nanoseconds) it took to execute the stored procedure |
###REPLICATION(DR) Metrics to shows the current state of replication and how much data is currently queued for the DR agent
Name | Description |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Replication/{PARTITION_ID}/LASTACKTIMESTAMP | The timestamp of the last acknowledgement received from the DR agent |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Replication/{PARTITION_ID}/TOTALBUFFERS | The total number of buffers in this partition currently waiting for acknowledgement from the DR agent |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Replication/{PARTITION_ID}/TOTALBYTES | The total number of bytes currently queued for transmission to the DR agent |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Replication/{PARTITION_ID}/TOTALBYTESINMEMORY | The total number of bytes of queued data currently held in memory |
###SNAPSHOTSTATUS Metrics to shows every snapshot file in the recent snapshots performed on the cluster
Name | Description |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Snapshot Status/{HOSTNAME}/{TABLE}/DURATION | The length of time (in milliseconds) it took to complete the snapshot |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Snapshot Status/{HOSTNAME}/{TABLE}/END_TIME | The timestamp when the snapshot was completed (in milliseconds) |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Snapshot Status/{HOSTNAME}/{TABLE}/SIZE | The total size, in bytes, of the file |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Snapshot Status/{HOSTNAME}/{TABLE}/START_TIME | The timestamp when the snapshot began (in milliseconds) |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Snapshot Status/{HOSTNAME}/{TABLE}/THROUGHPUT | The average number of bytes per second written to the file during the snapshot process |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Snapshot Status/{HOSTNAME}/{TABLE}/TXNID | The transaction ID of the snapshot |
###TABLE Metrics related to every table, per partition
Name | Description |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Table/{SITE_ID}/{PARTITION_ID}/{TABLE_NAME}/PERCENT_FULL | The percentage of the row limit currently in use by table rows in this partition |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Table/{SITE_ID}/{PARTITION_ID}/{TABLE_NAME}/STRING_DATA_MEMORY | The total memory, in kilobytes, used for storing non-inline variable length data |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Table/{SITE_ID}/{PARTITION_ID}/{TABLE_NAME}/TUPLE_ALLOCATED_MEMORY | The total size of memory, in kilobytes, allocated for storing inline data associated with this table in this partition |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Table/{SITE_ID}/{PARTITION_ID}/{TABLE_NAME}/TUPLE_COUNT | The number of rows currently stored for this table in the current partition |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Table/{SITE_ID}/{PARTITION_ID}/{TABLE_NAME}/TUPLE_DATA_MEMORY | The total memory, in kilobytes, used for storing inline data associated with this table in this partition |
Custom Metrics/VoltDB/Stats/Table/{SITE_ID}/{PARTITION_ID}/{TABLE_NAME}/TUPLE_LIMIT | The row limit for this table |
For more info on stats please visit http://voltdb.com/docs/UsingVoltDB/sysprocstatistics.php
Always feel free to fork and contribute any changes directly here on GitHub
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For any questions or feature request, please contact AppDynamics Center of Excellence.