Code to help with interactions with the Databrary API.
This will also request you to install the package dependencies.
- Source the helper functions:
purrr::map(list.files("R", "\\.R$", full.names = TRUE), source)
- Log-in to Databrary:
# Make a default httr2 request
drq <- databraryr::make_default_request()
# Log-in using your Databrary credentials and store them in your
# secure system credentials file.
databraryr::login_db(email = YOUR_EMAIL, store = TRUE, rq = drq)
Choose the Databrary volume IDs you want to summarize.
Choose the date range (start_date and end_date) for the sessions you want to include.
Generate the enrollment table:
make_enrollment_table <- function(vol_ids = c(1, 2, 3),
start_date = "2009-01-01",
end_date = "2019-12-31",
vb = FALSE,
rq = drq)