Pulsar Admin Console 1.2.5 Released!
This is a maintenance release. It addresses an issue in the 1.2.4 docker image where a missing dependency prevented the server from starting in some cases. We recommend upgrading to this latest version.
What's Changed
- Update npm glob dependency by @michaeljmarshall in #46
Full Changelog: 1.2.4...1.2.5
Docker Image: datastax/pulsar-admin-console:1.2.5
Tarball: Attached to this release here: https://github.com/datastax/pulsar-admin-console/releases/download/1.2.5/pulsar-admin-console-1.2.5.tar.gz. The tarball contains all necessary node dependencies. We used Node v14.18.3 to build the artifact. Below you can find the sha512 checksum for the tarball:
SHA512(pulsar-admin-console-1.2.5.tar.gz)= 5bb27cf4e84ea8f5c03ca5f776aae447183ce8f68dcb3e7b0395e746d5baa94daf1f0eec4e5aee1a73c2f9f8289b8220658e4154826052b4e2455c4c47f0b928