A Finder toolbar icon to open current selected file/folder with VS Code.
- Download the zip file
- Unzip to Applications folder (or any folder that you won't mistakenly delete the app)
- Right-click to open to pass the Mac security check
- Hold
and drag the application to toolbar - Enjoy
Open AppleScript Editor, copy the following source and export as Application.
Open in VS Code
To use:
* Drag Open In VS Code to the toolbar of any finder
window to add it to the toolbar
on run
tell application "Finder"
if selection is {} then
set finderSelection to folder of the front window as string
set finderSelection to selection as alias list
end if
end tell
end run
-- script was drag-and-dropped onto
on open (theList)
end open
-- open in Sublime Text
on subl(listOfAliases)
tell application "Visual Studio Code"
open listOfAliases
end tell
end subl
Please see this repo open-folder-with-sublime