A very rough proof of concept demo to get inline editing working in a Laravel Backpack Crud panel list page.
- There is no validation / checking ^_^
- Error responses look hilarious on the front-end as a stack trace is just printed within the single table cell
- UI isn't ideal - lots of edge cases;
In general - this is a basic proof-of-concept. Ideally, this whole thing would be done properly in a nice package with some custom columns and a custom operation.
- The x-editable js and css files are added in to the backpack base config, so are available on every Crud page (not ideal!)
- There are 3 custom columns, which initialise as editable elements on page load.
- The editable elements point to an /editable route that's linked to an editable() function on the TestCrudController. This function figures out what model and value should be updated, then updates it.
clone repo;
default Laravel setup stuff:
- add .env file with db info
- setup db (sqlite fine for demo)
composer install
npm i
Backpack install:
php artisan backpack:install
Use custom function to deploy x-editable css / js assets:
php artisan deploy:editable
Run demo:
- make account
- to to /admin/test to see test Crud Panel
- add an entry
- edit the entry directly in the list view table :-)