This is a plugin encryptor for the hiera-eyaml project, which encrypts and decrypts Hiera data using Google Cloud KMS, based on hiera-eyaml-kms by Allan Denot.
Google Cloud KMS is a service that encrypts and decrypts data through API calls. Permissions are controlled by IAM.
Using KMS avoids having to expose private keys to decrypt information when running Puppet.
The Google Cloud Ruby SDK and the hiera-eyaml
Gem are dependencies:
$ gem install hiera-eyaml google-cloud-kms
$ gem install hiera-eyaml-gkms
Then see hiera-eyaml documentation for how to use the eyaml tool to encrypt and use the 'GKMS' encryption_type for values to be encrypted with this plugin.
This plugin adds several options to hiera-eyaml
--gkms-project Required: GCP Project
--gkms-keyring Required: Google Cloud KMS Keyring
--gkms-crypto-key Required: Google Cloud KMS Key
--gkms-location Google Cloud KMS Keyring location (default: europe-west1)
--gkms-auth-type Authentication type for Google API (default: serviceaccount)
--gkms-credentials Path to service account JSON file (Required when using serviceaccount authentication type)
The minimum configuration required is the GCP project, keyring and crypto-key to use. If using a service account, you will also need to point the plugin to the JSON file containing the service account key.
If using a configuration YAML file:
gkms_project: 'graphite-melon-123567'
gkms_auth_type: 'machineaccount'
gkms_location: 'europe-west1'
gkms_keyring: 'keyring'
gkms_crypto_key: 'puppet_eyaml'
The plugin can also be run using Google Compute Engine's service account by passing --gke-auth-type=machineaccount
, and will need to be configured with the following IAM permissions:
- Authentication scope:
- IAM role:
resource "google_kms_key_ring" "keyring" {
name = "keyring"
location = "europe-west1"
resource "google_kms_crypto_key" "puppet_eyaml" {
name = "puppet_eyaml"
key_ring = "${google_kms_key_ring.keyring.self_link}"
lifecycle {
prevent_destroy = true
resource "google_kms_crypto_key_iam_member" "eyaml" {
crypto_key_id = "${google_kms_crypto_key.puppet_eyaml.self_link}"
role = "roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter"
member = "serviceAccount:${data.google_project.project.number}[email protected]"
resource "google_compute_instance_template" "template" {
service_account {
scopes = [""]
- Distributed under the terms of the Apache License v2.0 - see LICENSE.txt for details.
- Copyright 2019 Craig Watson
- This project has been heavily based on hiera-eyaml-kms by Allan Denot