This is a Python-based socket client for Global Cache GC100 digital I/O interface
The global cache GC100 features an array of digital inputs / IR outputs (switchable), serial ports, and solid state relays, accessible via a TCP interface.
More info can be found at the manufaturer's website:
python-gc100 provides a TCP client to interface with a GC100.
Currently serial port communication and IR functions are not supported. Digital input (including notification mode) and changing relay state are supported.
Given a callback function
>>> def callback_fn(state): >>> print(state)
Initialize the connection to the socket server
>>> hostname = 'myserver' >>> port = 4998 >>> gc = gc100.GC100SocketClient(hostname,port)
Example, if you want to read and print the state of module address '4:1':
>>> gc.read_sensor('4:1', callback_fn)
Or turn the relay on at address '3:2', and confirm its new state:
>>> gc.write_switch('3:2', 1, callback_fn)
Turn it off again:
>>> gc.write_switch('3:2', 0, callback_fn)
If you want to subscribe to be notified (push) of state changes to digital input '4:3':
>>> gc.subscribe_notify('4:3', callback_fn)
Close the connection
>>> gc.quit()
This module is only tested with Python 3.5.2, and will definitely not be compatible with python 2.x
This software is (c) 2017 David Grant <[email protected]>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
GC100 is a trademark of Global Cache, with whom the author of this software is not affiliated in any way other than using some of the their hardware