Mongoid List uses a position column to maintain an ordered list, with optional scoping. It uses atomic updates to keep lists in either a Collection or Embedded in sync.
Starting with version 0.7.0, Mongoid 5+ is required. If you want Mongoid 4 support use the 0.6.0 version of this gem.
Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'mongoid-list'
Add a list:
class CrowTRobot
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::List
Available methods:
# Update Position
doc1.position # => 1
doc2.position # => 2
doc1.position = 2
doc1.position # => 2
doc2.position # => 1
# Reorder a Full List
Pass in all elements in new ordering. Accepts documents or ids.
# Scope Information
doc.list_scoped? # If scoping has been defined
doc.list_scope_field # Which field to scope against
doc.list_scope_value # Value of the scoping field
doc.list_scope_conditions # Additional query conditions for scoped lists.
To scope the list, pass :scope
on lists definition:
class TomServo
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::List
lists scope: :satellite_of_love_id
belongs_to :satellite_of_love
- Helper methods to move individual documents within the list.
- Customizable filed name.