This project was created for MLH's Month Long Hackathon 2023. This app finds movies using Streamlit and OMDb API. The features of this app are:
- Search for movies by entering the movie title
- Filter the results by type: movie or series
- Filter the results by year
- Filter the results by rating
- The results contain the poster, IMDb rating, rated, runtime, released date, genre, director, writer, actors, plot, language, country and awards.
- Plot IMDB Ratings and IMDB Votes
For information, see this blog
- Install Python (at least version 3.8)
- Sign up for Streamlit account
- Sign up for OMDb API Key
Open the command terminal and navigate to this directory, then perform the following actions.
Create a virtual environment
virtualenv venv
Activate virtual environment
Install streamlit
pip install streamlit
Install plotly-express
pip install plotly-express
Run the app
streamlit run