JSHOL stands for Javascript HTML Object Language. JSHOL is a subset of JSON that acts as a domain specific language for creating HTML5 documents using JSON obbjects.
This project was inspired by SCSS/SASS and HAML. While I think HAML is a good step to prevent me from ever having to use HTML again, I don't think that it goes far enough to take advantage of existing tech and replacement methods. I also don't think HAML is accessible enough, since their DSL is parsed by Ruby and little else. By having JSHOL be a subset of JSON and writing the validation/HTML generation library in C, I can help ensure that JSHOL is accesible to other languages and can be generated and sent over existing JSON services.
##Why? Why would you do that?
I hate SGML, XML and HTML. Tag-based markup (especially XML) is a terrible plague on the world and should be purged from all systems. I hope that one day, JSHOL won't be used to translate JSHOL JSON into HTML, but instead will be the way that pages are transmitted. Why? We're already using template lanuages and building pages from (insert your language) objects and functions to assemble snippets of HTML... why not just serialize the model into a specialized JSON object and use variables to fill data?
###From a very pedantic perspective Whitespace between tags, in tag based markup languages, is not ignorable. Everyone treats it like it is so that their *ML is readable. In JSHOL, all content is contained as a string, so whitespace for readability is ignored. This helps prevent strange indentation when using preformatted tags and the like. Using JSON arrays, strings can span multiple lines cleanly; allowing users to segregate code appearance and presentational logic.
I have, in the past, written HTML and XML in a way such that no whitespace was outside of tags, but most people agreed that this was an unreadable monstrosity upon their eyes. ee the "literal HTML" in samples for an example of my monster.