Demo of Risk-aware navigation system tailored for industries with a focus on accident prevention and insurance coverage
- Component inventory creator module
- /inventory
- Risk calculation module
- /src
- Risk-based navigation module, variation of A* pathfinding algorithm
- /navigation
- MongoDB username
- MongoDB password
- MongoDB database name
- IP address or container name of navigation app
- navigation app's port
- map name, currently "map_a", "map_b" to distinguish for a generated fictitious map, and a real map, respectively
- redis server hostname
- redis server port
- Database type, "remote" (cloud) or "local"
- Component inventory app
- Component inventory database in NoSQL
- Structural risk calculation module
- Structural and environmental risk integration module
- Patch request to risk mapping API for risks
- The Modified A* Algorithm
Required libraries:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install "pymongo[srv]"
Component inventory creation app. Uses Express.js and MongoDb to generate component inventory and place them on the selected map.
To start the application, run the following command in your terminal:
cd inventory
npm install
node index.js
Viewing API Documentation
Replace {{PORT}} with the port number your application is running on.
Structure of the component inventory database created via Mongo
- Note: bold stands for required arguments, red stands for unique arguments.
components - primary document consisting of all components
_id - unique identifier name - name of the component description - description of the component reference - reference to the component (e.g., existing literature) cells - cell IDs of the map that include the component influence_cells - cell IDs of the map that include the influence zone of the component
fragilityFunctions - description of the fragility function of the component
_id - unique identifier imName - intensity measure name (e.g., PGA) unitOfMeasure - unit of measure of the intensity measure (e.g., g as in gravity acceleration or 9.81 m/s2) component - component identifier to which the function is tied to
damageStates - description of the damage states characterising the component - List of damage states
_id - unique identifier name - name of the damage state (e.g., DS1) mean - mean of the distribution, must be in the same units as the fragilityFunctions dispersion - dispersion of the distribution component - component identifier to which the damage state is tied to
coordinates - coordinates of the component within the map in cm - List of coordinates - may have multiple locations
_id - unique identifier topLeft - top left coordinates in cm topRight - top right coordinates in cm bottomLeft - bottom left coordinates in cm bottomRight - bottom right coordinates in cm influenceRadius - influence radius of the component in cm, default to 0.0 cm component - component identifier to which the coordiantes are applied to
To start the application, run the following command in your terminal:
uvicorn --port {{PORT}} --reload
Takes as input:
IM value - intensity measure value as float
Json filename - map of the plant as Path
GET request to the API for the map with the name
Runs 3. assign_cells
GET request to component directory
Loop over each component and its coordinates
Based on map information and coordinates calculate cell ID
PATCH request to update the cell IDs
GET request to component inventory for each component's fragility function and damage states Compute risk based on damage state and intensity measure Create a list of risks of the size of the number of cells
Make PUT request to risk mapping api to update risks curl -X PUT id_address:port/map -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"personal_protection_equipment":"helmet", "map":[{"floor":0,"risk_values":[0,50,100]},{"floor":1,"risk_values":[2,3,4,5]}]}'
Risk-aware route is computed based on the client's starting position from two data structures: the risk-map and the routes-graph (directed graph representing all the walkable paths).
The map (grid) area is modelled into discrete cells which consider the physical characteristics of the environment, like the walls and the emergency exits. The map is a .json file with cell information in terms of its connectivity to other cells, with identifications from left to right and up to bottom approach. Two cells are connected if there is no wall between them. The red door is one-way.
When the risk map is received from Risk Calculation module, the weight of the nodes in the routes-graph are updated. High risk transfers to high weight. An adaptation of the A algorithm* is used, where the best route is computed from the current user's position to each safe area and the best route among them is selected.
Best route is defiend as the route that minimises the maximum risk value encountered, different from typical A*, where the aim is to minimise the sum of the risk along the route. For example, if route A has a risk of 9 but all 1's, while route B has all 4's, the best route will be the route B, since we don't want the user to pass through a very dangerous (risk 9) area. Additionally, no importance is given to metric distance for the scope. Only, maximum risk is the metric for identifying the best route. Multiple safe zones (target cells) are supported.
Since this is a demo version, the software does not include all the aspects necessary for it to run on a mobile app
For more detail refer to:
O’Reilly, G. J., D. Shahnazaryan, P. Dubini, E. Brunesi, A. Rosti, F. Dacarro, A. Gotti, D. Silvestri, S. Mascetti, M. Ducci, M. Ciucci, and A. Marino. 2023. “Risk-aware navigation in industrial plants at risk of NaTech accidents.” Int. J. Disaster Risk Reduct., 88: 103620.
Available sample files in maps/
'rows': int,
'columns': int,
'safe_zones': List[int],
'cells': List[
'id': int,
'connections': List[int],
{}, ...
'scene_name': Optional[str],
'map_name': Optional[str],
'orientation_respect_north_0_360_degrees': Optional[float],
'millimeter_per_pixel': Optional[float],
'cell_size_cm': Optional[float],
'cell_size_pixel': Optional[float],
- rows = number of rows in a grid
- columns = number of columns in a grid
- safe_zones = IDs of destination cells
- cells - all cells
- id - unique identifier of a cell (ID), starts from 0
- sequential from left to right, top to bottom
- connections - successor cell IDs of a cell with 'id'
Within the scope of this work, 'f' stands for 'risk'.
- Initialize a risk array of zeros with length of number of grid cells a. The risk array is ideally constantly monitored for any live changes from sensors and risk (RIE) module, which is not implemented in the current demo (part of it available through src/)
- Initialize OPEN list containing the the starting node only a. set node RISK to 0 irrelevant of actual risk
- Initialize empty CLOSED list
- While OPEN list is not empty a. find node with lowest RISK on the OPEN list (node i) i. If the node is in our destination, then path is found, return b. pop found node i from list and generate all its available successor's and set their parents to node i ('connections') c. put node i into the CLOSED list d. for each successor i. get the RISK value ii. if a node with the same position as the successor is in the OPEN, which has lower RISK than the successor, skip this successor iii. If a node with the same position as the successor is in the CLOSED, which has a lower RISK than the successor, skip this successor iv. Otherwise, add the node to the OPEN