Short presentation to be given by Will Henney at DAWGI, Morelia meeting 2023-03-22
When we use the Python matplotlib function imshow()
to display an image,
the axes are shown in pixel units by default.
However, we often want to display the image using some other units,
such as length in parsecs or in celestial coordinates.
In general, these other units are called world coordinates.
Sometimes the transformation from pixels to world coordinates is given in the header of a FITS file,
but that is not always the case.
In either case, I will show how this can be easily achieved either in pure matplotlib
or by using libraries from Astropy.
Cómo mostrar una imagen con ejes científicamente significativos en Python
Cuando usamos la función imshow()
en Python matplotlib para mostrar una imagen,
los ejes se muestran en unidades de píxeles por defecto.
Sin embargo, a menudo queremos mostrar la imagen usando otras unidades,
como la longitud en parsecs o en coordenadas celestes.
En general, estas otras unidades se denominan world coordinates (coordenadas mundiales).
A veces, la transformación de píxeles a coordenadas mundiales se proporciona en la cabecera de un archivo FITS,
pero ese no es siempre el caso.
En cualquier caso, mostraré cómo se puede lograr esto fácilmente en matplotlib puro o usando bibliotecas de Astropy.
Import the necessary libraries
import numpy as np
from import fits
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
Explicitly define a publicly accessible path to the data files so that this notebook will be portable.
data_path = ""
We will use a two dimensional image from a numerical simulation, which we load from a FITS file. But this image data might come from anywhere.
hdulist = + "large-image-no-wcs.fits")
Filename: /root/.astropy/cache/download/url/0969bc74e9741a4ccd88ddc335594ae0/contents
No. Name Ver Type Cards Dimensions Format
0 PRIMARY 1 PrimaryHDU 6 (512, 512) float32
The image is 512 by 512 pixels
im = hdulist[0].data
We can display the image with matplotlib's imshow
, which by default uses pixel units.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(im, origin="lower", vmax=2e6)
# Note that we use origin="lower" so the image is not inverted
However, we want to show the axes in physical length coordinates. We have the following tacit knowledge:
- The simulation represents a box of side 4 parsec
- The origin is in the center of the box
For a simple case like this, we can add the keyword extent=[left, right, bottom, top]
width, height = 4.0, 4.0
left, right = -width/2, width/2
bottom, top = -height/2, height/2
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(im, extent=[left, right, bottom, top], origin="lower", vmax=2e6)
The first time I tried this, I was worried that there might be a subtle bug related to the difference between the pixel centers and the pixel edges. But, it turns out that it really is this simple!
In order to be able to clearly see the individual pixels, we can try the technique with a very small image, such as a 4x4 checkerboard, so each pixel is of size 1 parsec. We use the same value for extent
as above.
# Make a 4x4 checkerboard image
im2 = np.array([[1, 0]*2, [0, 1]*2]*2)
fig, (ax_a, ax_b) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
ax_a.imshow(im2, origin="lower")
ax_a.set_title("Pixel axes")
ax_b.imshow(im2, extent=[left, right, bottom, top], origin="lower")
ax_b.set_title("Parsec axes")
We can see that the outer cell edges have pixel coordinates that are half integers, since it is the cell centers that have integer coordinates.
With the parsec coordinates, on the other hand, the outer edges are at a whole number of parsecs, which is exactly what we wanted.
A more flexible approach is to use astropy.visualization.wcsaxes
. Usually, there is no need to call this library directly. Instead, we pass a astropy.wcs.WCS()
object to matplotlib, and everything else happens by magic!
Show slides that explain what WCS means
from astropy.wcs import WCS
One of the most common uses of this technique is for celestial coordinates (e.g., RA and Dec) that we get from the header of a FITS file. However, in this case the FITS header is not of any use, as we will see:
w = WCS(hdulist[0])
WCS Keywords
Number of WCS axes: 2
CTYPE : '' ''
CRVAL : 0.0 0.0
CRPIX : 0.0 0.0
PC1_1 PC1_2 : 1.0 0.0
PC2_1 PC2_2 : 0.0 1.0
CDELT : 1.0 1.0
NAXIS : 512 512
So, this header is just the identity transformation. It transforms pixels to ... pixels.
But we can edit it by hand, so that it corresponds to our 4 pc box:
- We set the size of the pixels in parsec as
- We set the reference pixel as
. We are not changingcrval
so this corresponds to the origin. We saw above that the origin is at a pixel corner if we have an even number of pixels. Also, note that FITS convention is for 1-based indexing, rather than 0-based as in Python. - We can also set the units of the axes as
nx, ny = im.shape
w.wcs.cdelt = width / nx, height / ny
w.wcs.crpix = (nx + 1) / 2, (ny + 1) / 2
w.wcs.cunit = "pc", "pc"
WCS Keywords
Number of WCS axes: 2
CTYPE : '' ''
CRVAL : 0.0 0.0
CRPIX : 256.5 256.5
PC1_1 PC1_2 : 1.0 0.0
PC2_1 PC2_2 : 0.0 1.0
CDELT : 0.0078125 0.0078125
NAXIS : 512 512
We can now use this transformation as the projection
parameter when we create an axes
in matplotlib.
( # Example of "chaining" style
.imshow(im, vmax=2e6)
# This is all a single expression
So this looks very similar to the previous version with extent
, except that now the units are labelled on the axes. Note that there is no longer any need to specify origin="lower"
It might seem that we have complicated our life for very little gain. However, there are advantages to doing it this way, even in simple cases like this. For instance, we can take a slice of the full image if we want to zoom in on a particular region. By applying the same slice to the WCS object, we can maintain consistency in the axis units:
# The following is equivalent to [300:400, 250:450]
window = slice(300, 400), slice(250, 450)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(
# We cannot pass `projection` directly to .subplots(),
# instead we must do this:
ax.imshow(im[window], vmax=4e6)
Also, we can use world coordinates instead of pixel coordinates in other matplotlib functions by specifying the correct transformation.
Here is an example of using scatter
to plot some symbols on top of the image in parsec coordinates.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(
ax.imshow(im[window], vmax=4e6)
x=[0.5, 0.2, 0.95],
y=[0.75, 0.95, 0.5],
marker="+", c="w", s=200,
We can us the same technique to plot contours on top of the image.
- Non-linear transformations. E.g., geometric distorsion, wide-angle sky projections, healpix.
- Rotated pixel axes.
- Combining elements with different WCS transformations in the same plot
- Re-projecting to a common grid to avoid having to deal with 2 or 3