Provide personal opinions and stories to improve people's lives by discussing main issues that humans struggle with
- Denial
- Self-Esteem
- Compliance
- Control
- Avoidance
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Frontend: React/Redux
- APIs: NodeJs/Express
- DB: Mongo/Mongoose
- Title
- Date created/updated
- Author (or Anonymous)
- Topics (checkboxes)
- Text
- Filter by topic
- Status: 'public' or 'private'
- Images (file upload?)
- Videos (restricted to YouTube or Vimeo)
- Pagination
- Sort by date
- Filter by author
- Commenting (third party?)
- Authorized login with role levels
- Add user
- Edit user
- Delete user
- Role levels
- 1: create Create post
- 2: edit Edit posts
- 3: delete Delete posts
- 4: publish Publish posts.
- 5: account Account management: user accounts, role levels and topic list
- DB Table: Users
- id: Mongoose ObjectId: required
- firstName: String(40): required
- lastName: String(40): required
- username: String(40): required: UNIQUE (author display name)
- email: String(256): required: UNIQUE
- password: String(256): required (hashed password)
- roles: [Mongoose ObjectId, Mongoose ObjectId]: required (primary key from Roles table)
- Add post
- Edit post
- Delete post
- DB Table: Posts (all html safe)
- id: Mongoose ObjectId: required
- title: String(200): required: UNIQUE
- author: Mongoose ObjectId: required (primary key from Users table)
- anonymous: Boolean: default=false
- topics: [Mongoose ObjectId, Mongoose ObjectId]: optional (primary key from Topics table)
- contentType: String(20): required
- content: String(5000): required
- dateCreated: datetime: required
- dateUpdated: datetime: optional
- imageUrl: String(256): optional
- videoUrl: String(256): optional
- status: Mongoose ObjectId: required (primary key from Status table)
- Add topic
- Edit topic
- Delete topic
- DB Table: Topics
- id: Mongoose ObjectId: required
- topic: String(52): required: UNIQUE
- No CRUD needed
- DB Table: Status
- id: Mongoose ObjectId: required
- status: String(40): required: UNIQUE
- No CRUD needed
- DB Table: Roles
- id: Mongoose ObjectId: required
- status: String(12): required: UNIQUE