A rust project backing three apps: one iOS, one Android, and one Web (wasm + react). The apps find prime numbers and displays them on a cool chart.
Each platform package can link to the compiled rust library from its own build, and none of the platform packages depend on each other. This README has some basic setup instructions for each platform.
In order to build for every platform, you'll need to have the following tools installed.
- rustup for building the rust code.
- Android Studio for the android app, with the NDK installed
- Xcode for the iOS app
- npm, or yarn I guess, for the web app
You need to install all of the following rustc
compile targets:
# Building for Android
rustup target add aarch64-linux-android armv7-linux-androideabi i686-linux-android
# Building for iOS
rustup target add aarch64-apple-darwin x86_64-apple-darwin\
aarch64-apple-ios aarch64-apple-ios-sim x86_64-apple-ios
To build for WebAssembly, you'll also have to install wasm-pack
cargo install wasm-pack
For Android, you'll also need to tell rustc about the NDK with a special Config.toml
. There's already a template available at .cargo/config.toml.template. Just save a copy of that file in the same dir as Config.toml
and then edit the config to point to the given paths on your system.
To edit the Rust project, just open the root dir in vscode or your preferred rust editor. There is a workspace in the repo root that has all the rust crates.
To build the android project, you only need to open the project at packages/android/. The rust library will be built for Android when you build the app binary.
To build the android project, you only need to open the project at packages/ios/ios.xcodeproj/. The rust library will be built incrementally every time you build or deploy your iOS project.
Building the web project is straightforward. You just need to run the provided ./build-wasm.sh
Setting up the Web Project:
Just run ./build-wasm.sh install
. It should build the WebAssembly and set up the webapp
Editing the Web App:
You can open vscode in the repo root to edit the web app and rust code at once.
The React app is in packages/web/ts-primes, but vscode will pick up everything properly if you open the repo root dir.
Running the Web App:
Just run ./build-wasm.sh start-app
to start a dev server for the web app. Your browser should open automatically.
The core rust library can be found here: rustlib. It's part of a workspace defined at the repo root.
If you have rust installed, you should be able to build this crate from anywhere in the repo using cargo build
The iOS project can be found here: iOS side and Rust side.
The Android project can be found here: Android side and Rust side