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DBFlute Intro

The GUI Application for DBFlute Management

For Intro users

How to use Intro

  1. download jar file
  2. execute this command
    1. $ java -jar dbflute-intro.jar
    2. $ java -jar -Dintro.decomment.server=true dbflute-intro.jar # if you use decomment server mode

For committers or contributors

How to compile (for committer)

  1. git clone

  2. import as Gradle project on your IDE or $ ./gradlew eclipse (if Eclipse)

  3. install node v8.x.x (if non-existent in your computer)

    1. $ brew install node@8

    or, it might be better to use nodebrew.

  4. install components of npm for application (at dbflute-intro directory)

    1. $ npm install

How to boot (for committer)

  1. $ ./gradlew run => boot API Server (same as IntroBoot.main())
  2. $ npm start => boot FrontEnd Application (Riot)

How to refresh application

  1. $ ./gradlew refresh

How to build production ready jar file

  1. $ ./gradlew release
  2. $ java -jar build/libs/dbflute-intro.jar # for jar file check

How to prepare containers

  1. $ docker compose up -d

See docker-compose.yml for details

Server-side Framework

using LastaFlute:

Front-side Framework

using Riot:

      └-- app
          ├-- common
          │   ├-- FFetchWrapper.js
          │   ├-- UiAssist.js
          │   ├-- directive
          │   │   └-- FileDirective.js
          │   ├-- factory
          │   │   └-- ApiFactory.js
          │   ├-- i18n.tag
          │   ├-- navbar.tag
          │   └-- result-view.tag
          ├-- error
          │   └-- 404.tag
          ├-- main
          │   └-- main.tag
          ├-- client
          │   ├-- client.tag
          │   └-- create.tag
          ├-- settings
          │   └-- settings.tag
          ├-- welcome
          │   └-- welocome.tag
          ├-- index.css
          └-- index.js

Release Engineering

Github release

  1. Increment version at build.gradle and package.json
  2. Add tag on release commit
    1. Old tag name :
  3. Edit tag and upload "intro.jar"
  4. Publish tag to release

88 command release

  1. Access at
  2. Edit
# latest version of DBFlute Intro, can be used as comparing version
intro.latest.version = ????? # Edit this version

# download URL of DBFlute Intro =$$version$$/dbflute-intro.jar

Docker image release

  1. Execute this command
$ cd path/to/dbflute-intro
$ sh && sh ${release version} # input release version as argument
  1. Update image version here.


  1. Write release information at here
  2. Deploy the dbflute document

Send release notification

Notify all around the world!!

  • dbflute mailing list
  • dbflute slack

Upgrade DBFlute

  1. sh ./dbflute_introdb/ upgrade
  2. set DBFLUTE_HOME=../mydbflute/dbflute-${latest} in changed ./dbflute_trohamadb/ and ./dbflute_trohamadb/_project.bat
  3. copy template files to ./dbflute_introdb
  4. sh ./dbflute_introdb/ 1