- Open CasCade Technology (OCCT) is is a C++ library with pretty good documentation showing you how to use it.
- pythonOCC provides a python wrapper for the OpenCASCADE C++ technology, extending the OCCT audience (mostly C++ developers) to the Python community.
- If you are going to use OpenCascade (either C++ or Python) to make your own application, you will very likely need to get familiar with OCAF.
- Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of online documentation showing the details of how to use OCAF in C++.
- In PythonOCC the available resources are even scarcer.
- Hence, the impetus for this repository
- As an example, consider using the TDF_ChildIterator in C++ vs. Python:
C++ code:
TDF_ChildIterator itchild;
for (itchild.Initialize(Box2Label,Standard_True); itchild.More();itchild.Next()) {
aChild = itchild.Value();
// Do something with aChild
Python code:
itchild = TDF_ChildIterator()
while itchild.More():
a_child = itchild.Value()
# Do something with a_child
This repository is a collection of various PythonOCC code snipets that I have come across relating to the use of OCAF.
The OCAF section of the official OpenCascade documentation does a nice job of explaining how OCAF works and shows several useful C++ code snippets.
- Here I have gone through the C++ code examples and converted them to Python