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Release 5.0 alpha.2

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@fw2568 fw2568 released this 20 Mar 07:21
· 10 commits to main since this release

This release should only be consumed by those who are interested in the new features coming in the v5 release.

Not ready for production!

If you add it to a production project, you should only do so to see (potentially) how many breaking changes there are.

Breaking changes

see for alpha.1 breaking changes

Transactional RfcHandlers have to return Eff<RT,RfcRc>

Transactional handlers now have to return a effect (Eff). All unhandeled errors that occur in a transactional rfc handler will be logged and responded back to the SAP backend with RfcRc.RFC_EXTERNAL_FAILURE.

Reduced number of traits

This is breaking only between alpha.1 and alpha.2:
Instead of using one trait per IO implementation we have reduced traits to HasSAPRfc<RT> for clients and HasSAPRfcServer<RT> for servers. This reduced the complexity for runtime type constraint.

New Features

Added extension method RunIO to IRfcContext

As IRfcRuntime is deprecated but IRfcContext is not, we have to provide a way that users can access IO effects from a RfcContext.
RunIO provides a bridge from IRfcContext to the new functional API. The effect constructed with this method will be run with the build-in SPRfcRuntime.


  • Cleaned up code quality issues throughout the project.
  • Updated sample ExportMATMAS to functional style.
  • Dependencies have been updated to latested versions,
  • Disabled security warnings for ASPNET Core 2.x as it is only used in samples.