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Project structure

Luca Virgili edited this page Aug 24, 2017 · 3 revisions

Project structure

Here you can read a brief for each folder and class, so that you can go deeper in project and understand better each element.


table_extractor Folder containing sources files for analyzing and mapping all resources found. Related to pyTableExtractor module.

domain_explorer Folder containing sources files for exploring and reading all properties of a domain. Related to pyDomainExplorer module.

Extractions In this folder you will find .ttl and .log files about explorations and extractions you have completed.

Resource_lists Here are collected .txt files as result from work. Every .txt file contains a list of resources gathered by a SPARQL query (using -t topic or -w custom_where_clause).

Sources Files

pyTableExtractor module

pyTableExtractor Module: contains main() function. It will read research's parameters from and it will organize the workflow of all classes.

settings A settings file used to store default values, both for pyDomainExplorer and for pyTableExplorer. You can customize scripts from there.

Analyzer Once a list of resources (or a single one) has been formed, Analyzer is summoned in order to analyze tables. It takes a single resource at a time, from a .txt file or from -s parameter.

Utilities Contains accessory methods used, for example, to setup log file, to get time and date or to call outer services (sparql dbpedia endpoints, JSONPedia, wiki pages as html object). This class will be used from both module.

Table Class representing a table. It has some data structures used by other classes in order to recreate the table structure and to extract data.

HtmlTableParser Class which takes a html object representing a wiki page of interest. It has the mission to find the structure (extract coherently headers) of the tables in the wiki page selected. Then it tries to extract data and to associate them with the corresponding headers. If the extraction is successful it calls the mapper to map data in RDF statements.

Mapper Class used to manage data extracted by the parsers. Depending on settings, it tries to map data applying different mapping rules. These rules depend on the chapter and the topic selected.

mapping_rules File that contains mapping rules defined in all previously execution of pyTableExtractor.

pyDomainExplorer module

pyDomainExplorer Main file to explore the domain or single resource under exam.

ExplorerTools Set of functions that help the previous script in the explorer task. There are methods for making SPARQL query on DBpedia, for working with HtmlTableParser and more over.

Selector A class used to gather a list of resources calling a SPARQL dbpedia endpoint of chapter selected. It then serialize the list in a .txt file so you can keep trace of which set of resources has been found.

WriteSettingsFile Class built to print file that will contains information about research made by user (resource file, output format value, chapter and more over) and all table's headers found. These headers can be empty (so there isn't any properties previously defined) or can contains