or Wizzy
for friends is a simple utility that can restores files from an internal cache.
Imagine you are working in a team on a project and you are using git.
You have a bunch of configuration files you have to commit but in a fake
See this example related to ruby on rails :
my_important_project: &my_important_project
adapter: mysql2
encoding: utf8
reconnect: false
pool: 5
username: i_dont_want_to_tell_you_my_username
password: and_neither_my_password
socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
.. and then you have your local copy with 'real' values. Each time you commit/pull to this repo you have to stash or checkout your real files and merging is painful!
wizzy fix
Yep. It's simple
- Install pyyaml
pip install pyyaml
- Install clint
pip install clint
Clone the repository
Run this command. This will run wizzy executable and also add the alias to your .bashrc
chmod +x wizzy ; echo 'alias wizzy="./wizzy "' >> ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc
in your project folder -
Open your
file and tell him what are the files you want to be magic. Check out this example
files: [config/*.yml, config/initializers/secret_token.rb]
wizzy_cache_directory: .wizzy
wizzy_directory: .
wizzy_remote: false
- You should add all the wizzy files to the .gitignore . Just run this command
echo -e 'wizzy \nwizzy_config.yml' >> .gitignore
- Install wizzy
wizzy install
Each time you need to restore files just type
wizzy fix
If you want to create the cache just type
wizzy install
Do you want to track/untrack your restored files ?
wizzy track
orwizzy untrack
Do you want to track a new file ? You could modify the wizzy_config.yml .. or just type
wizzy add <file>
Do you want to untrack a old file ? You could modify the wizzy_config.yml .. or just type
wizzy remove <file>
Do you want to check if you screwed the configuration of wizzy? of if you added an phantom file?
wizzy check
Of course what is better than a doctor when wizzy is sick?
wizzy doctor
Do you want the list of all files wizzy tracks ?
wizzy list
Don't remember a spell?
wizzy help
- Bugs? Issues? use the system tracker
- Suggestions? email me
- Fork it, make it better and send me a pull request!
This product was developed by Damiano Braga.