Linux kernel driver for the "Kinect for Windows 2" sensor.
Once installed make sure v4l2loopback is installed and run the kinect_conversion script.
In case of failure, you can reset the drivers by running the script.
- Linux 3.x+
$ make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd` SRCROOT=`pwd` clean modules
If you already installed original gspca_main driver, remove it first.
$ sudo /sbin/rmmod gspca_main
Then, install drivers.
$ sudo /sbin/modprobe videodev
$ sudo /sbin/insmod ./gspca_main.ko
$ sudo /sbin/insmod ./gspca_kinect2.ko
This driver provides two v4l2 interfaces per a single kinect sensor; color camera is mapped to /dev/video0, and depth camera is mapped to /dev/video1. If you have two or more sensors, they shall be mappaed to /dev/videoX, where X are (2n) for n-th color and (2n+1) for n-th depth.
$ ffmpeg -framerate 30 -video_size 640x480 -i /dev/video0 test.avi
$ mplayer test.avi
I wrote an open source library, named libk4w2. See for details.
$ v4l-info /dev/video0
$ v4l-info /dev/video1
$ v4l2ucp preview
This driver is based on the following discussions and source codes;
- libfreenect2,
- Analyzing Kinect 2 ISO data,!topic/openkinect/8Aa8ab3aAs4
Special thanks to the people in the OpenKinect project!!!