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A command-line tool for producing vector-graphics charts of the night sky in SVG, PDF and PNG formats.


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StarCharter is a versatile command-line tool for producing charts of the night sky in a wide variety of styles. Charts can be generated relative to the local horizon, depicting the sky as seen from a particular location at a particular time, or as a star atlas in equatorial or galactic coordinates. Many configuration options are available to allow the charts to be fully customised.

StarCharter can depict the positions of solar system objects - planets, asteroids and comets - retrieving their positions from NASA's DE430 ephemeris. The paths of these objects across the sky can also be shown over a specified time period.

Charts can be generated in either PNG (bitmap graphics) format for quick viewing and use online, or in PDF/SVG/EPS (vector graphics) formats for subsequent typesetting or editing in a vector graphics package such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape.

StarCharter was originally developed to produce star charts for the website

Example output

You can find a selection of varied examples of the output of StarCharter here.

The sky looking south


This code is distributed under the Gnu General Public License Version 3. It is © Dominic Ford 2015 - 2025.

Supported operating systems

StarCharter is written in C and runs in Linux, macOS, and most other Unix-like operating systems. A Docker container is provided to facilitate running StarCharter in the widest possible range of operating systems. The installation scripts require Python 3; these scripts download and merge various astronomical catalogues from online sources. StarCharter uses libcairo to produce its graphical output.

The build process requires a minimum of 4GB RAM, but once built, the software requires much less memory. Note that Docker Desktop for MacOS imposes a default memory limit of 2GB, which needs to be increased to build StarCharter successfully.

Build process

First make a clone of the code in this GitHub repository:

git clone

If you wish to run StarCharter locally (not within a Docker container), then you must run the shell script to download the required astronomical catalogs from online sources and to compile the software. The downloaded data includes the DE430 solar system ephemeris, star catalogues, deep sky catalogues, and an image of the Milky Way used to shade the background of star charts.

The total download size will be around 500 MB, and it will take around 10-15 minutes to process the downloaded files.

Once you have built StarCharter, you must not change its location within your file system. During the build process, the absolute path to the downloaded data files is stored, and the code will be unable to find these data files if their path changes. If you move the code, you must fully rebuild it:

make clean

Docker container

If you would rather run StarCharter within a Docker container, then a Dockerfile is provided to build such a container. This automatically installs all the software's dependencies within the containerised environment to make the build process as simple as possible. Additionally, a docker-compose script is provided, which automatically builds a selection of example star charts.

To build the StarCharter container (this takes 15 minutes):

docker compose build

To generate a selection of example charts, which are placed in the directory examples/output:

docker compose run star-charter

To make other star charts, open a shell within the Docker container as follows:

docker run -it star-charter:v8 /bin/bash

Generating your own star charts

The settings for each star chart are specified in a configuration file, where options are specified in the format


The available options include which portion of the sky should be charted, what labels should be placed on the chart, colours, etc. There is a complete list of all the available configuration options below.

The directory examples within this repository contains numerous example configuration files; a good starting point is to try generating one of these, for example:

cd examples
../bin/starchart.bin orion.sch

This will generate a set of PNG charts of the constellation Orion in the output directory, with a variety of labelling schemes.

The example configuration files generally follow the pattern:


... more settings

... more settings

Settings are arranged in blocks which are headed by the words DEFAULTS or CHART. Settings in a DEFAULTS block do not themselves produce a star chart, but change the default settings which are applied to all subsequent charts. Settings in a CHART block relate to a specific chart that is to be rendered, and do not affect any subsequent charts which may be rendered later in the same configuration file.

This makes it as easy as possible to render multiple charts with very similar settings - for example, copies of the same star chart in multiple different graphic formats.

A complete list of all the configuration settings which are recognised are listed below under 'Configuration settings'.

Configuration settings

The following settings can be included in a StarCharter configuration file:

  • alt_central - The local altitude of the centre of the plot; degrees. This setting is only used if coords=alt_az.
  • angular_width - The angular width of the star chart on the sky; degrees
  • arrow - Overlay a line or arrow over the star chart. Each label should be specified in the format <coordinates_0>,<xpos_0>,<ypos_0>,<coordinates_1>,<xpos_1>,<ypos_1>,<head_start>,<end_start>,<colour r>,<colour g>,<colour b>,<line width>, where coordinates should be page or ra_dec. If page is selected, then xpos and ypos are in the range 0-1; if ra_dec is selected then xpos is RA/hours and ypos is Dec/degs. Different coordinate systems can be used for the two ends of the line. head_start and head_end are booleans indicating whether to draw arrow heads on the two ends of the line. The colour components are in the range 0-1. To overlay multiple arrow, specify this setting multiple times within your configuration file.
  • aspect - The aspect ratio of the star chart: i.e. the ratio height/width
  • axis_label - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to write "Right ascension" and "Declination" on the vertical/horizontal axes
  • axis_ticks_value_only - If 1, axis labels will appear as simply "5h" or "30 deg". If 0, these labels will be preceded by alpha= or delta=
  • az_central - The local azimuth of the centre of the plot; degrees clockwise / eastwards from north. This setting is only used if coords=alt_az.
  • cardinals - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to write the cardinal points around the edge of alt/az star charts
  • chart_edge_line_width - Line width to use when marking the edge of the chart. Default 2.5.
  • constellation_boundaries - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we draw constellation boundaries
  • constellation_boundary_col - Colour to use when drawing constellation boundaries
  • constellation_highlight - Optionally, highlight the boundary of one particular constellation, identified by a three-letter abbreviation.
  • constellation_label_col - Colour to use when writing constellation names
  • constellation_label_size - Relative font size to use when rendering constellation names. Default 1.
  • constellation_names - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we label the names of constellations
  • constellation_show_below_horizon - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to show constellation stick-figures beneath the horizon. Default 0.
  • constellation_stick_col - Colour to use when drawing constellation stick figures
  • constellation_stick_design - Select which design of constellation stick figures we should draw. Set to either iau (default), rey or simplified. See for more information.
  • constellation_sticks_line_width - Line width to use when drawing constellation stick figures. Default 1.4.
  • constellation_sticks - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we draw constellation stick figures
  • constellations_capitalise - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we capitalise the names of constellations.
  • constellations_label_shadow - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to draw a shadow behind the names of the constellations.
  • coords - Select which celestial coordinate system to use when specifying the centre of the plot. Set to ra_dec, galactic or alt_az.
  • copyright_gap_2 - Spacing of the copyright text beneath the plot
  • copyright_gap - Spacing of the copyright text beneath the plot
  • copyright - The copyright string to write under the star chart
  • dec_central - The declination of the centre of the plot; degrees. This setting is only used if coords=ra_dec.
  • draw_ephemeris - Definitions of ephemerides to draw. Each definition should take the form of: <bodyId>,<jdMin>,<jdMax> (see above). To draw multiple ephemerides, specify this setting multiple times within your configuration file.
  • dso_catalogue_file - Source file from which we get DSO catalogue. By default, a catalogue of Messier, NGC and IC objects is used. Only change this setting if you want to show custom deep-sky objects.
  • dso_cluster_col - Colour to use when drawing star clusters
  • dso_display_style - Select which style to use for deep sky objects. Set to either coloured or fuzzy. Default is coloured.
  • dso_galaxy_col - Colour to use when drawing galaxies
  • dso_label_col - Colour to use when writing the labels for deep sky objects
  • dso_label_mag_min - Do not label stars fainter than this magnitude limit (default: unlimited)
  • dso_mag_min - Only show deep-sky objects down to this faintest magnitude
  • dso_mags - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we label the magnitudes of deep-sky objects
  • dso_names - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we label the names of deep-sky objects
  • dso_nebula_col - Colour to use when drawing nebulae
  • dso_outline_col - Colour to use when drawing the outline of deep-sky objects
  • dso_point_size_scaling - Size scaling of deep-sky object symbols. Default 1.
  • dso_symbol_key - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we include a key to the symbols used to represent deep-sky objects
  • ecliptic_col - Colour to use when drawing a line along the ecliptic
  • ephemeris_arrow_col - Colours to use when drawing ephemeris arrows drawn when ephemeris_style = side_by_side_with_arrow. If this setting is supplied multiple times, then the list of supplied colours are used in a cyclic loop for all the solar system objects to be drawn.
  • ephemeris_arrow_shadow - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether the ephemeris arrows drawn when ephemeris_style = side_by_side_with_arrow should have a shadow to make them more visible.
  • ephemeris_autoscale - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to auto-scale the star chart to contain the requested ephemerides. This overrides settings for ra_central, dec_central, angular_width, as well as other parameters. Run the code in debugging mode to see a list of the values assigned to all these automatically-set parameters.
  • ephemeris_col - Colours to use when drawing ephemerides for solar system objects. If this setting is supplied multiple times, then the list of supplied colours are used in a cyclic loop for all the solar system objects to be drawn.
  • ephemeris_coords - The coordinate system to use when drawing the tracks of planets - either ra_dec or solar. Default ra_dec. If solar is selected, the positions of planets are shown relative to the moving Sun, whose static position is drawn at epoch julian_date. This is useful for showing the paths of planets close to the horizon at sunset on a range of evenings, but will give nonsense results otherwise.
  • ephemeris_epochs - List of JD time epochs for which we should create points along each solar system ephemeris. If empty, then points are either placed at intervals specified by ephemeris_label_interval, or else created automatically. This list must have the same length as <ephemeris_epoch_labels>. To draw multiple epochs, specify this setting multiple times within your configuration file.
  • ephemeris_epoch_labels - List of text labels for the points we create along each solar system ephemeris. If empty, then points are created automatically. This list must have the same length as <ephemeris_epochs>. To draw multiple epochs, specify this setting multiple times within your configuration file.
  • ephemeris_label_col - Colours to use when labelling ephemerides for solar system objects. If this setting is supplied multiple times, then the list of supplied colours are used in a cyclic loop for all the solar system objects to be drawn.
  • ephemeris_label_interval - List of the JD time step (in days) between labels along each solar system ephemeris. If this setting is supplied multiple times, then the list of supplied intervals are used in a cyclic loop for all the solar system ephemerides to be drawn. This setting is ignored if any explicit ephemeris_epoch values are supplied. If neither ephemeris_epoch nor ephemeris_label_interval values are supplied then labels are placed automatically.
  • ephemeris_minimum_size - When showing the track of solar system objects, the minimum size of the markers, which normally increase in size with brightness. Supplied in units of magnitude. Default: 3.0.
  • ephemeris_resolution - The time resolution of ephemeris tracks, in days. Default 0.5 days. This is the spacing of the points sampled along the planet's track, not the spacing of the labels placed along it.
  • ephemeris_style - Select the style to use when showing the tracks of solar system objects. Set to track, side_by_side, side_by_side_with_track or side_by_side_with_arrow.
  • equator_col - Colour to use when drawing a line along the equator
  • font_family - The font family to use when rendering all text labels.
  • font_size - A normalisation factor to apply to the font size of all text (default 1.0)
  • galactic_b_central - The galactic latitude of the centre of the plot; degrees. This setting is only used if coords=galactic.
  • galactic_l_central - The galactic longitude of the centre of the plot; degrees. This setting is only used if coords=galactic.
  • galactic_plane_col - Colour to use when drawing a line along the galactic plane
  • galaxy_col0 - The colour to use to shade the dark parts of the map of the Milky Way
  • galaxy_col - The colour to use to shade the bright parts of the map of the Milky Way
  • galaxy_map_filename - The binary file from which to read the shaded map of the Milky Way
  • galaxy_map_width_pixels - The number of horizontal pixels across the shaded map of the Milky Way
  • great_circle_key - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to draw a key to the great circles under the star chart
  • great_circle_line_width - Line width to use when marking great circles on the sky (e.g. the equator and the ecliptic). Default 1.75.
  • great_circle_dotted - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to use a dotted line when tracing great circles
  • grid_col - Colour to use when drawing grid of RA/Dec (or Alt/Az, or galactic coordinate) lines
  • grid_coords - Select which celestial coordinate system to trace with grid lines. Set to ra_dec, galactic or alt_az.
  • grid_line_density - Multiplicative factor controlling how many grid lines we draw. Default 1.
  • grid_line_width - Line width to use when drawing grid lines. Default 1.3.
  • horizon_cardinal_points_labels_col - Colour to use when drawing cardinal-point labels along the horizon.
  • horizon_cardinal_points_marker_col - Colour to use when drawing cardinal-point markers along the horizon.
  • horizon_cardinal_points_marker_count - Number of cardinal-point markers to place along the horizon. Sensible values are 4, 8, 16. Default 8.
  • horizon_cardinal_points_marker_elevate - Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating whether to elevate cardinal point markers to the bottom of the field of view if they fall off the bottom of the chart.
  • horizon_cardinal_points_marker_size - Size scaling of the cardinal-point markers along the horizon. Default 1.
  • horizon_latitude - Terrestrial latitude for which to show the local horizon; degrees
  • horizon_longitude - Terrestrial longitude for which to show the local horizon; degrees
  • horizon_zenith_marker_size - Scaling factor to apply to the size of the marker used at the zenith. Default 1.
  • horizon_zenith_col - Colour to use for the marker at the zenith.
  • julian_date - Julian date for which to show local horizon, with which to measure alt/az, and for which to show the positions of solar system bodies.
  • label_ecliptic - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to label the months along the ecliptic, showing the Sun's annual progress
  • label_font_size_scaling - Scaling factor to be applied to the font size of all star and DSO labels (default 1.0)
  • language - The language used for the constellation names. Either english or french.
  • mag_alpha - The multiplicative scaling factor to apply to the radii of stars differing in magnitude by one mag_step
  • mag_max - Used to regulate the size of stars. A star of this magnitude is drawn with size mag_size_norm. Also, this is the brightest magnitude of star which is shown in the magnitude key below the chart.
  • mag_min - The faintest magnitude of star which we draw
  • magnitude_key - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to draw a key to the magnitudes of stars under the star chart
  • mag_size_maximum_permitted - The maximum permitted radius of a star, mm. If this is exceeded, all stars are made smaller.
  • mag_size_norm - The radius of a star of magnitude mag_max (default 1.0)
  • mag_step - The magnitude interval between the samples shown on the magnitude key under the chart
  • maximum_dso_count - The maximum number of deep-sky objects to draw. If this is exceeded, only the brightest objects are shown.
  • maximum_dso_label_count - The maximum number of deep-sky objects which may be labelled
  • maximum_star_count - The maximum number of stars to draw. If this is exceeded, only the brightest stars are shown.
  • maximum_star_label_count - The maximum number of stars which may be labelled
  • messier_only - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we plot only Messier objects, and no other deep-sky objects
  • meteor_radiant - Specify that the radiant of a meteor shower should be marked. This should be set to a string of the form <shower_label>,<ra_radiant/deg>,<dec_radiant/deg>. To mark multiple shower radiants, supply this setting multiple times.
  • meteor_radiant_marker_size - Scaling factor to apply to the size of the markers at the radiants of meteor showers. Default 1.
  • meteor_radiant_colour - Colour to use for the markers at the radiants of meteor showers.
  • must_label_all_dsos - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we must show all DSO text labels, even if they collide with other text.
  • must_show_all_ephemeris_labels - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we show all ephemeris text labels, even if they collide with other text.
  • output_dpi - The DPI resolution of the output file. Default 200 DPI for PNG files; 72 DPI for vector graphics.
  • output_filename - The target filename for the star chart. The file type (svg, png, eps or pdf) is inferred from the file extension.
  • photo_filename - The filename of a PNG image to render behind the star chart. Leave blank to show no image.
  • plot_dso - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we plot any deep-sky objects
  • plot_ecliptic - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to draw a line along the ecliptic
  • plot_equator - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to draw a line along the equator
  • plot_galactic_plane - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to draw a line along the galactic plane
  • plot_galaxy_map - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to draw a shaded map of the Milky Way behind the star chart
  • plot_stars - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we plot any stars
  • position_angle - The position angle of the plot - i.e. the tilt of north in degrees, counter-clockwise from up, at the centre of the plot
  • projection - Select projection to use. Set to stereographic (default; maximum width 360 degrees), flat (a rectangular map of RA/Dec), peters (a rectangular map in a Peters projection), gnomonic (maximum width 180 degrees), sphere (a celestial globe viewed from the outside), multilatitude, or alt_az (a hemisphere of a sky above a location, viewed from the output).
  • ra_central - The right ascension of the centre of the plot; hours, J2000.0. This setting is only used if coords=ra_dec.
  • scale_bar - List of scale bars we should super-impose over the star chart. Each should be specified as: <x_pos>,<y_pos>,<position_angle>,<degrees> where <x_pos> and <y_pos> are 0-1, the position angle is a clockwise rotation in degrees, and degrees is the length of the scale bar on the sky. To draw multiple scale bars, specify this setting multiple times within your configuration file.
  • scale_bar_col - Colour to use for scale bars.
  • shade_twilight - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to shade the sky according to the altitude in the local sky at julian_date.
  • shade_near_sun - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to shade the region of sky that is close to the Sun at julian_date.
  • shade_not_observable - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether to shade the region of sky that is not observable at any time of day at julian_date.
  • show_grid_lines - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we draw a grid of RA/Dec lines in background of star chart
  • show_horizon - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we show the local horizon and clip objects below the horizon at julian_date
  • show_poles - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we mark the north and south celestial poles
  • show_solar_system - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we show the positions of solar system bodies at julian_date
  • show_zenith - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we mark the local zenith at julian_date
  • solar_system_col - The colour to use when drawing solar-system objects. If this setting is supplied multiple times, then the list of supplied colours are used in a cyclic loop for all the solar system objects to be drawn.
  • solar_system_ids - The list of the ID strings of the solar system bodies to show (e.g. P1 for Mercury). If multiple solar system bodies are to be displayed/labelled, then specify this setting multiple times, once for each body. The number of values of <solar_system_ids> must equal the number of values of <solar_system_labels>.
  • solar_system_label_col - The colour to use when labelling solar-system objects. If this setting is supplied multiple times, then the list of supplied colours are used in a cyclic loop for all the solar system objects to be drawn.
  • solar_system_labels - The list of labels to show next to the selected solar system bodies. If multiple solar system bodies are to be displayed/labelled, then specify this setting multiple times, once for each body. The number of values of <solar_system_ids> must equal the number of values of <solar_system_labels>.
  • solar_system_minimum_size - When showing selected solar system bodies, the minimum size of the markers, which normally increase in size with brightness. Supplied in units of magnitude. Default: 999.
  • solar_system_moon_earthshine_intensity - The fractional intensity of Earthshine on the Moon's unilluminated portion, compared to the illuminated Moon. Default: 0.12.
  • solar_system_moon_colour - The colour to use to represent the illuminated portion of the Moon.
  • solar_system_show_moon_phase - Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating whether to show the Moon's phase (1), or show a simple marker (0).
  • solar_system_sun_actual_size - Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating whether to show the Sun's actual size (true), or whether to give it a generic marker like the other planets (false). Default: 0.
  • solar_system_sun_col - The colour to use when drawing the Sun's actual size (when solar_system_sun_actual_size is turned on).
  • solar_system_topocentric_correction - Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating whether to apply topocentric correction to the positions of solar system objects, based on horizon_latitude and horizon_longitude.
  • star_allow_multiple_labels - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we allow multiple labels next to a single star. If false, we only include the highest-priority label for each object.
  • star_bayer_labels - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we label the Bayer numbers of stars
  • star_catalogue_numbers - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we label the catalogue numbers of stars
  • star_catalogue - Select the star catalogue to use when showing the catalogue numbers of stars. Set to hipparcos, ybsc or hd.
  • star_clip_outline - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we clip a thin line around the edges of stars. This makes star clusters like M45 stand out better. Default: 0.
  • star_col - Colour to use when drawing stars
  • star_flamsteed_labels - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we label the Flamsteed designations of stars
  • star_label_mag_min - Do not label stars fainter than this magnitude limit (default: unlimited)
  • star_mag_labels - Switch indicating how the magnitudes of stars are labelled. Options are off (no labels), on (display magnitudes), aavso (magnitude labels in the format used by the AAVSO: in 1/10th mag increments with no decimal points; only shown for stars with -0.2 < B-V < +0.7). Default: off.
  • star_names - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we label the English names of stars
  • star_variable_labels - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we label the variable-star designations of stars, e.g. V337_Car
  • text - Overlay a custom text label on the star chart. Each label should be specified in the format <coordinates>,<xpos>,<ypos>,<xalign>,<yalign>,<font_size>,<font_bold>,<font_italic>,<colour r>,<colour g>,<colour b>,<label string>, where coordinates should be page or ra_dec. If page is selected, then xpos and ypos are in the range 0-1; if ra_dec is selected then xpos is RA/hours and ypos is Dec/degs. xalign and yalign are in the range -1 (left) to 1 (right), and colour components are in the range 0-1. To overlay multiple text labels, specify this setting multiple times within your configuration file.
  • title - The heading to write at the top of the star chart
  • twilight_zenith_col - The colour to use to shade twilight at the zenith
  • twilight_horizon_col - The colour to use to shade twilight at the horizon
  • width - The width of the star chart, in cm
  • x_label_slant - A slant to apply to all labels on the horizontal axes
  • y_label_slant - A slant to apply to all labels on the vertical axes
  • zodiacal_only - Boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether we plot only the zodiacal constellations

Paths of solar system objects

The draw_ephemeris option in a configuration file can be used to draw the path of a solar system object across the sky. The syntax is as follows:

draw_ephemeris = <body>,<jd_start>,<jd_end>

where body is the name of the solar system object to plot, and jd_start and jd_end are the Julian day numbers of the beginning and end of the time period for which the object's path should be plotted.

Recognised object names include any of the following:

  • p1, pmercury, mercury: Mercury
  • p2, pvenus, venus: Venus
  • p3, pearth, earth: Earth
  • p301, pmoon, moon: The Moon
  • p4, pmars, mars: Mars
  • p5, pjupiter, jupiter: Jupiter
  • p6, psaturn, saturn: Saturn
  • p7, puranus, uranus: Uranus
  • p8, pneptune, neptune: Neptune
  • p9, ppluto, pluto: Pluto
  • A<n>: Asteroid number n, e.g. A1 for Ceres, or A4 for Vesta
  • C/1995 O1. Comets may be referred to by their names in this format
  • 1P/Halley. Comets may be referred to by their names in this format
  • 0001P. Periodic comets may be referred to by their names in the format %4dP
  • CJ95O010. Comets may be referred to by their Minor Planet Center designations
  • C<n>: Comer number n. n is the line number within the file Soft00Cmt.txt, downloaded from the Minor Planet Center.

Note also the setting ephemeris_autoscale, which overrides the specified celestial coordinates for the centre of the star chart, and the specified angular width, and scales the star chart to automatically show the requested ephemerides.

Change history

Version 8.0 (23 Feb 2025) - Improve examples and documentation.

Version 7.0 (7 Jan 2025) - Added further new configuration options.

Version 6.0 (26 Aug 2024) - Removed external dependency on ephemerisCompute to show the positions of solar system objects. This can now be done natively by StarCharter.

Version 5.0 (24 Aug 2024) - Added a huge array of new configuration options. The default projection has been changed to stereographic, which can display fields of view as wide as 360 degrees. A new option for the setting coords - alt_az - allows the local sky to be drawn for a particular location.

Version 4.0 (16 Oct 2022) - Bugfix release.

Version 3.0 (14 Dec 2021) - Initial public release.


This code was developed by Dominic Ford It is distributed under the Gnu General Public License V3.


A command-line tool for producing vector-graphics charts of the night sky in SVG, PDF and PNG formats.








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