Install Java and JavaJDK. You need java jdk to be installed to get web driver and protractor running.
Download and Install Node Goto
Confirm the installation by going to command prompt and type. Some users might have to open the command line in admin mode (for windows users only)
node -v
This should give your version of node installed on your machine.
Info: Once you install node it would also install npm which is node package manager. ( This is used to install external libraries
Install Protractor module Type the command in the command prompt. (
npm install -g protractor
Info: This will install two command line tools, protractor and webdriver-manager.
-g after install is to tell npm to install protractor globally.
Make sure protractor is installed by checking the version of protractor in the command line by typing
protractor --version
This should print the version of protractor installed.
Tip: At any point if you want to what modules are installed then you could use this command
npm -g list
Once you have installed protractor you should get webdriver manager. The webdriver-manager is a helper tool to easily get an instance of a Selenium Server running.
Type the following command in the command prompt
webdriver-manager update
This should download the necessary binaries into your machine.
After the installation is done you could verify whether webdirver-manager is installed or not by typing in the command prompt.
You should see the location of the webdriver-manager and list of commands which you could use for webdriver-manager.
Now that you got protractor and webdriver-manager you should be able to start webdriver-manager by using the command in the command line
webdriver-manager start
If everything is good then you should see message like:
INFO - RemoteWebDriver instances should connect to:
INFO - Selenium Server is up and running.
If you see the about message then if you go to url from the browser then you should see Sessions.
webdriver manager start issue
if you see any error related to
" undefined"
Then open the command prompt in administrator mode. and run the
webdriver-manager start
Now that we have installed everything required for protractor we should be able to run the tests.
CAUTION: CAUTION: Chrome version must be >= 43.0.2357.0