This repository allows you to quickly install Apache Solr for Drupal 9 into a Ddev project using just ddev get drud/ddev-drupal9-solr
1.ddev get drud/ddev-drupal9-solr && ddev restart
2. You may need to install the relevant Drupal requirements: ddev composer require drush/drush:* drupal/search_api_solr
3. Enable the Search API Solr Search Defaults module: ddev drush en -y search_api_solr_defaults
. (If it can't be enabled due to the "article" content type not existing, you can just create a search_api_solr server manually.)
4. Edit the enabled search_api server named default_solr_server
at admin/config/search/search-api/server/default_solr_server/edit
- set "Solr host" to
- set "Solr core" name to "dev"
- Under "Advanced server configuration" set the "solr.install.dir" to
ddev restart
This is the classic Drupal solr 8 recipe used for a long time by Drupal users and compatible with search_api_solr.
- It installs a
using the solr:8 docker image - A standard Drupal 9 solr configuration is included in .ddev/solr/conf
- A .ddev/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ is included and mounted into the solr container so that you can change solr config in .ddev/solr/conf with just a
ddev restart
- The Solr admin interface will be accessible at:
For example, if the project is namedmyproject
the hostname will be:
. - To access the Solr container from inside the web container use:
- A Solr core is automatically created by default with the name "dev"; it can be accessed (from inside the web container) at the URL:
or from the host athttp://<projectname>
. You can obviously create other cores to meet your needs.
- This recipe won't work with versions of solr before solr:8, and Acquia and hosting require versions from 3 to 7. You'll want to see the contributed recipes for older versions of solr.