Cloudstack API library written in Go. Only tested towards Cloudstack 3.0.6 so far. Main use so far has been to serve as a library for a builder.
Showing the IP and state of a virtual machine:
package main
import (
func main() {
apiurl := os.Getenv("CLOUDSTACK_API_URL")
if len(apiurl) == 0 {
fmt.Println("Needed environment variable CLOUDSTACK_API_URL not found, exiting")
apikey := os.Getenv("CLOUDSTACK_API_KEY")
if len(apikey) == 0 {
fmt.Println("Needed environment variable CLOUDSTACK_API_KEY not found, exiting")
secret := os.Getenv("CLOUDSTACK_SECRET")
if len(secret) == 0 {
fmt.Println("Needed environment variable CLOUDSTACK_SECRET not found, exiting")
cs := gopherstack.CloudstackClient{}.New(apiurl, apikey, secret)
vmid := "19d2acfb-e281-4a13-8d62-e04ab501271d"
response, err := cs.ListVirtualMachines(vmid)
if err != nil {
fmt.Errorf("Error listing virtual machine: %s", err)
if len(response.Listvirtualmachinesresponse.Virtualmachine) > 0 {
ip := response.Listvirtualmachinesresponse.Virtualmachine[0].Nic[0].Ipaddress
state := response.Listvirtualmachinesresponse.Virtualmachine[0].State
fmt.Printf("%s has IP : %s and state : %s\n", vmid, ip, state)
} else {
fmt.Printf("No VM with UUID: %s found\n", vmid)