AdvanceKillMoney is really advanced and fully configurable KillMoney plugin for PocketMine-MP
Can configure if you want to reduce money from victim or not
Can add custom percentage that you want to deduct from victim and give it to the killer
Supports Multiple worlds
And many more
# AdvanceKillMoney
# Plugin By DeadBush
# Write the names of world to enable kill money on
worlds: ["world1", "world2", "world3"]
# if you keep it as off then the victim won't loose the money on death but only killer will get the money
# if you keep it true then the victim will loose certain amount of money on death and will be given to the killer
reduceMoney: "on"
# choose if the the money should be random or custom
# keep it as on to make it custom or keep it as on to make it fully random 1-100%
custom: "on"
# if you have kept custom as on then edit the values how much percentage max should be deducted from victim and given to killer no need to add % at end just add the numeric value
# if you have kept custom as off then ignore it
randomise: 40 # means the killer will get 1-40% money from the victim's account