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simple polishment to type and typeck
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MashPlant committed Nov 5, 2019
1 parent c35f496 commit a7ab065
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Showing 3 changed files with 63 additions and 88 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions common/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ pub enum ErrorKind<'a, Ty> {
ArgcMismatch { name: &'a str, expect: u32, actual: u32 },
ArgMismatch { loc: u32, arg: Ty, param: Ty },
NotObject { owner: Ty },
BadPrintArg { loc: u32, ty: Ty },
ReturnMismatch { expect: Ty, actual: Ty },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ impl<Ty: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for ErrorKind<'_, Ty> {
ArgcMismatch { name, expect, actual } => write!(f, "function '{}' expects {} argument(s) but {} given", name, expect, actual),
ArgMismatch { loc, arg, param } => write!(f, "incompatible argument {}: {:?} given, {:?} expected", loc, arg, param),
ThisInStatic => write!(f, "can not use this in static function"),
NotObject { owner } => write!(f, "{:?} is not a class type", owner),
NotObject(ty) => write!(f, "{:?} is not a class type", ty),
BadPrintArg { loc, ty } => write!(f, "incompatible argument {}: {:?} given, int/bool/string expected", loc, ty),
ReturnMismatch { expect, actual } => write!(f, "incompatible return: {:?} given, {:?} expected", actual, expect),
NewArrayNotInt => write!(f, "new array length must be an integer"),
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27 changes: 18 additions & 9 deletions syntax/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,14 @@ pub struct Ty<'a> {

impl<'a> Ty<'a> {
// make a type with array dimension = 0
pub const fn new(kind: TyKind<'a>) -> Ty<'a> { Ty { arr: 0, kind } }

// like Errors::issue, it can save some typing by returning a default value
pub fn error_or<T: Default>(self, mut f: impl FnMut() -> T) -> T {
if self == Ty::error() { T::default() } else { f() }

pub fn assignable_to(&self, rhs: Ty<'a>) -> bool {
use TyKind::*;
match (self.kind, rhs.kind) {
Expand All @@ -65,17 +73,18 @@ impl<'a> Ty<'a> {

// why don't use const items?
// it seems that const items can only have type Ty<'static>, which can NOT be casted to Ty<'a>
pub const fn error() -> Ty<'a> { Ty { arr: 0, kind: TyKind::Error } }
pub const fn null() -> Ty<'a> { Ty { arr: 0, kind: TyKind::Null } }
pub const fn int() -> Ty<'a> { Ty { arr: 0, kind: TyKind::Int } }
pub const fn bool() -> Ty<'a> { Ty { arr: 0, kind: TyKind::Bool } }
pub const fn void() -> Ty<'a> { Ty { arr: 0, kind: TyKind::Void } }
pub const fn string() -> Ty<'a> { Ty { arr: 0, kind: TyKind::String } }
pub const fn error() -> Ty<'a> { Ty::new(TyKind::Error) }
pub const fn null() -> Ty<'a> { Ty::new(TyKind::Null) }
pub const fn int() -> Ty<'a> { Ty::new(TyKind::Int) }
pub const fn bool() -> Ty<'a> { Ty::new(TyKind::Bool) }
pub const fn void() -> Ty<'a> { Ty::new(TyKind::Void) }
pub const fn string() -> Ty<'a> { Ty::new(TyKind::String) }

pub fn mk_obj(c: &'a ClassDef<'a>) -> Ty<'a> { Ty { arr: 0, kind: TyKind::Object(Ref(c)) } }
pub fn mk_class(c: &'a ClassDef<'a>) -> Ty<'a> { Ty { arr: 0, kind: TyKind::Class(Ref(c)) } }
pub fn mk_func(f: &'a FuncDef<'a>) -> Ty<'a> { Ty { arr: 0, kind: TyKind::Func(f.ret_param_ty.get().unwrap()) } }
pub fn mk_obj(c: &'a ClassDef<'a>) -> Ty<'a> { Ty::new(TyKind::Object(Ref(c))) }
pub fn mk_class(c: &'a ClassDef<'a>) -> Ty<'a> { Ty::new(TyKind::Class(Ref(c))) }
pub fn mk_func(f: &'a FuncDef<'a>) -> Ty<'a> { Ty::new(TyKind::Func(f.ret_param_ty.get().unwrap())) }

// if you want something like `is_void()`, just use `== Ty::void()`
pub fn is_arr(&self) -> bool { self.arr > 0 }
pub fn is_func(&self) -> bool { self.arr == 0 && if let TyKind::Func(_) = self.kind { true } else { false } }
pub fn is_class(&self) -> bool { self.arr == 0 && if let TyKind::Class(_) = self.kind { true } else { false } }
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120 changes: 43 additions & 77 deletions typeck/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,10 +25,8 @@ impl<'a> TypePass<'a> {
self.scoped(ScopeOwner::Class(c), |s| for f in &c.field {
if let FieldDef::FuncDef(f) = f {
s.cur_func = Some(f);
let t = s.scoped(ScopeOwner::Param(f), |s| s.block(&f.body));
if !t && f.ret_ty() != Ty::void() {
s.issue(f.body.loc, ErrorKind::NoReturn)
let ret = s.scoped(ScopeOwner::Param(f), |s| s.block(&f.body));
if !ret && f.ret_ty() != Ty::void() { s.issue(f.body.loc, ErrorKind::NoReturn) }
Expand All @@ -44,18 +42,14 @@ impl<'a> TypePass<'a> {
match &s.kind {
StmtKind::Assign(a) => {
let (l, r) = (self.expr(&a.dst), self.expr(&a.src));
if l.is_func() || !r.assignable_to(l) {
self.issue(s.loc, IncompatibleBinary { l, op: "=", r })
if !r.assignable_to(l) { self.issue(s.loc, IncompatibleBinary { l, op: "=", r }) }
StmtKind::LocalVarDef(v) => {
self.cur_var_def = Some(v);
if let Some((loc, e)) = &v.init {
let (l, r) = (v.ty.get(), self.expr(e));
if !r.assignable_to(l) {
self.issue(*loc, IncompatibleBinary { l, op: "=", r })
if !r.assignable_to(l) { self.issue(*loc, IncompatibleBinary { l, op: "=", r }) }
self.cur_var_def = None;
Expand All @@ -67,9 +61,8 @@ impl<'a> TypePass<'a> {
StmtKind::Skip(_) => false,
StmtKind::If(i) => {
let s1 = self.block(&i.on_true);
let s2 = if let Some(of) = &i.on_false { self.block(of) } else { false };
s1 && s2
// `&` is not short-circuit evaluated
self.block(&i.on_true) & i.on_false.as_ref().map(|b| self.block(b)).unwrap_or(false)
StmtKind::While(w) => {
Expand All @@ -87,17 +80,15 @@ impl<'a> TypePass<'a> {
StmtKind::Return(r) => {
let expect = self.cur_func.unwrap().ret_ty();
let actual = if let Some(e) = r { self.expr(e) } else { Ty::void() };
if !actual.assignable_to(expect) {
self.issue(s.loc, ReturnMismatch { actual, expect })
let actual = r.as_ref().map(|e| self.expr(e)).unwrap_or(Ty::void());
if !actual.assignable_to(expect) { self.issue(s.loc, ReturnMismatch { actual, expect }) }
actual != Ty::void()
StmtKind::Print(p) => {
for (i, e) in p.iter().enumerate() {
let ty = self.expr(e);
if ty != Ty::error() && ty != Ty::bool() && ty != Ty::int() && ty != Ty::string() {
self.issue(e.loc, BadPrintArg { loc: i as u32 + 1, ty })
if ty != Ty::bool() && ty != Ty::int() && ty != Ty::string() {
ty.error_or(|| self.issue(e.loc, BadPrintArg { loc: i as u32 + 1, ty }))
Expand All @@ -110,29 +101,44 @@ impl<'a> TypePass<'a> {

// e.ty is set to the return value; e.result is set if e can be statically evaluated
// e.ty is set to the return value
fn expr(&mut self, e: &'a Expr<'a>) -> Ty<'a> {
use ExprKind::*;
let ty = match &e.kind {
VarSel(v) => self.var_sel(v, e.loc),
IndexSel(i) => {
let (arr, idx) = (self.expr(&i.arr), self.expr(&i.idx));
if idx != Ty::int() && idx != Ty::error() {
self.issue(e.loc, IndexNotInt)
if idx != Ty::int() { idx.error_or(|| self.issue(e.loc, IndexNotInt)) }
match arr {
Ty { arr, kind } if arr > 0 => Ty { arr: arr - 1, kind },
e if e == Ty::error() => Ty::error(),
_ => self.issue(i.arr.loc, IndexNotArray),
e => e.error_or(|| self.issue(i.arr.loc, IndexNotArray)),
IntLit(_) | ReadInt(_) => Ty::int(),
BoolLit(_) => Ty::bool(),
StringLit(_) | ReadLine(_) => Ty::string(),
NullLit(_) => Ty::null(),
IntLit(_) | ReadInt(_) => Ty::int(), BoolLit(_) => Ty::bool(), StringLit(_) | ReadLine(_) => Ty::string(), NullLit(_) => Ty::null(),
Call(c) =>, e.loc),
Unary(u) => self.unary(u, e.loc),
Binary(b) => self.binary(b, e.loc),
Unary(u) => {
let r = self.expr(&u.r);
let (ty, op) = match u.op { UnOp::Neg => (Ty::int(), "-"), UnOp::Not => (Ty::bool(), "!"), };
if r != ty { r.error_or(|| self.issue(e.loc, IncompatibleUnary { op, r })) }
Binary(b) => {
use BinOp::*;
let (l, r) = (self.expr(&b.l), self.expr(&b.r));
if l == Ty::error() || r == Ty::error() {
// not using wildcard match, so that if we add new operators in the future, compiler can tell us
match b.op { Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Mod => Ty::int(), And | Or | Eq | Ne | Lt | Le | Gt | Ge => Ty::bool() }
} else {
let (ret, ok) = match b.op {
Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Mod => (Ty::int(), l == Ty::int() && r == Ty::int()),
Lt | Le | Gt | Ge => (Ty::bool(), l == Ty::int() && r == Ty::int()),
Eq | Ne => (Ty::bool(), l.assignable_to(r) || r.assignable_to(l)),
And | Or => (Ty::bool(), l == Ty::bool() && r == Ty::bool())
if !ok { self.issue(e.loc, IncompatibleBinary { l, op: b.op.to_op_str(), r }) }
This(_) => {
if self.cur_func.unwrap().static_ { self.issue(e.loc, ThisInStatic) }
Expand All @@ -143,26 +149,20 @@ impl<'a> TypePass<'a> {
} else { self.issue(e.loc, NoSuchClass( },
NewArray(n) => {
let len = self.expr(&n.len);
if len != Ty::int() && len != Ty::error() {
self.issue(n.len.loc, NewArrayNotInt)
if len != Ty::int() { len.error_or(|| self.issue(n.len.loc, NewArrayNotInt)) }
self.ty(&n.elem, true)
ClassTest(c) => {
let src = self.expr(&c.expr);
if src != Ty::error() && !src.is_object() {
self.issue(e.loc, NotObject { owner: src })
if !src.is_object() { src.error_or(|| self.issue(e.loc, NotObject(src))) }
if let Some(cl) = self.scopes.lookup_class( {
} else { self.issue(e.loc, NoSuchClass( }
ClassCast(c) => {
let src = self.expr(&c.expr);
if src != Ty::error() && !src.is_object() {
self.issue(e.loc, NotObject { owner: src })
if !src.is_object() { src.error_or(|| self.issue(e.loc, NotObject(src))) }
if let Some(cl) = self.scopes.lookup_class( {
Expand All @@ -173,42 +173,8 @@ impl<'a> TypePass<'a> {

fn binary(&mut self, b: &'a Binary<'a>, loc: Loc) -> Ty<'a> {
use BinOp::*;
let (l, r) = (self.expr(&b.l), self.expr(&b.r));
if l == Ty::error() || r == Ty::error() {
match b.op {
Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Mod => Ty::int(),
And | Or | Eq | Ne | Lt | Le | Gt | Ge => Ty::bool(),
} else {
let (ret, ok) = match b.op {
Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Mod => (Ty::int(), l == Ty::int() && r == Ty::int()),
Lt | Le | Gt | Ge => (Ty::bool(), l == Ty::int() && r == Ty::int()),
Eq | Ne => (Ty::bool(), l.assignable_to(r) || r.assignable_to(l)),
And | Or => (Ty::bool(), l == Ty::bool() && r == Ty::bool())
if !ok { self.issue(loc, IncompatibleBinary { l, op: b.op.to_op_str(), r }) }

fn unary(&mut self, u: &'a Unary<'a>, loc: Loc) -> Ty<'a> {
let r = self.expr(&u.r);
match u.op {
UnOp::Neg => {
if r != Ty::int() && r != Ty::error() { self.issue(loc, IncompatibleUnary { op: "-", r }) }
UnOp::Not => {
if r != Ty::bool() && r != Ty::error() { self.issue(loc, IncompatibleUnary { op: "!", r }) }

fn var_sel(&mut self, v: &'a VarSel<'a>, loc: Loc) -> Ty<'a> {
// (no owner)not_found_var / ClassName<ns> / (no owner)method => UndeclaredVar
// (no owner)not_found_var / ClassName(no field) / (no owner)method => UndeclaredVar
// object.not_found_var => NoSuchField
// (no owner)field_var && cur function is static => RefInStatic
// <not object>.a (e.g.: Class.a, 1.a) / object.method => BadFieldAccess
Expand All @@ -232,7 +198,7 @@ impl<'a> TypePass<'a> {
_ => self.issue(loc, BadFieldAccess { name:, owner }),
} else { self.issue(loc, NoSuchField { name:, owner }) },
e => if e == Ty::error() { Ty::error() } else { self.issue(loc, BadFieldAccess { name:, owner }) }
e => e.error_or(|| self.issue(loc, BadFieldAccess { name:, owner })),
} else {
// if this stmt is in an VarDef, it cannot access the variable that is being declared
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,7 +266,7 @@ impl<'a> TypePass<'a> {
impl<'a> TypePass<'a> {
fn check_bool(&mut self, e: &'a Expr<'a>) {
let ty = self.expr(e);
if ty != Ty::bool() && ty != Ty::error() { self.issue(e.loc, TestNotBool) }
if ty != Ty::bool() { ty.error_or(|| self.issue(e.loc, TestNotBool)) }

fn check_arg_param(&mut self, arg: &'a [Expr<'a>], ret_param: &[Ty<'a>], name: &'a str, loc: Loc) -> Ty<'a> {
Expand Down

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