Slingshot provides a simple interface for invoking methods on objects with dependency injection.
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Install via Composer:
composer require decodelabs/slingshot
Use a Slingshot instance to invoke a function with dependency injection:
use DecodeLabs\Slingshot;
$slingshot = new Slingshot(
container: $container, // Psr\Container\ContainerInterface
parameters: [
'param1' => 'hello'
function test(
string $param1,
string $param2
) {
return $param1 . ' '. $param2;
$output = $slingshot->invoke(test(...), [
'param2' => 'world'
]); // hello world
Or instantiate an object with dependency injection:
use DecodeLabs\Harvest\Context as HarvestContext;
class Test {
public function __construct(
// Fetch or create a Harvest Context (example) from container
HarvestContext $param1,
string $param2
) {
// ...
$testObect = $slingshot->instantiate(Test::class, [
'param2' => 'value'
Objects can be added to Slingshot by type for reference matching:
$object = new Test(...);
$slingshot->invoke(function(Test $test) {
// ...
Slingshot is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full license text.