Repository containing code to reproduce results of the paper "Sparse Activations as Conformal Predictors".
Create environment with Python version 3.11.6
and install requirements.txt
Install package confpred by running the following on the home directory of the project:
pip install .
Example code to train/fine-tune models can be found in example_usage/
Types of models supported:
- convolution neural network trained from scratch (confpred/classifier/
- finetuning of Google's Vision Transformer model (confpred/classifier/
- finetuning of Bert model (confpred/classifier/
Supported datasets:'CIFAR10'
, 'CIFAR100'
and 'NewsGroups'
Supported losses for training: 'softmax'
(standard log likelihood loss), 'entmax'
(1.5 entmax loss) and 'sparsemax'
(sparsemax loss).
One can download the logits of the already trained models used for the analysis presented in the report in the drive.
To find the optimal RAPS parameters, run scripts/
and to find optimal opt-entmax parameter run scripts/
. Alternatively, download optimal parameter files from drive.
The notebook notebooks/all_methods_cp.ipynb
applies conformal prediction over five different splits of the data, as described in the paper.
- Coverage and average set size analysis can be found in
- Adaptiveness and coverage by set size analysis can be found in